

Effect of girdling on leaf traits and fruit setting of Huizao
摘要 对新疆阿拉尔市的10年生灰枣为试验材料,比较盛花期不同阶段主干环剥对灰枣叶片性状和坐果情况的影响。结果表明:环剥对灰枣叶片性状产生了显著影响。其中,6月12日环剥处理显著增加了叶面积,但极显著降低了叶厚度,6月14日环剥处理显著增加了叶厚度,但对叶面积无显著影响;6月17日环剥处理极显著的增加了叶片大小、叶面积和叶片厚度。6月12日环剥处理后5d叶绿素总量显著减少,其它时间差异不显著;6月14日环剥处理,环剥后5d、10d叶绿素总量均显著低于CK;6月17日环剥处理,环剥后均显著降低了叶绿素含量。仅6月14日环剥处理,在环剥后3d、5d表现全氮含量显著降低,其余处理均表现差异不显著。各时期环剥处理均降低了全磷含量;环剥后3d、5d,环剥处理增加了全钾含量。环剥能显著提高灰枣枣吊坐果率,增加二次枝果实数量,提高单株产量,6月14日环剥效果最好。 The effects of trunk girdling at different flowering stages on leaf traits and fruit setting of 10-year-old Huizao from Alar,Xinjiang,were compared.The results showed that girdling had a significant effect on the leaf traits of Huizao.The girdling treatment on 12 June significantly in-creased leaf area but reduced leaf thickness significantly,the girdling treatment on 14 June signifi-cantly increased leaf thickness but had no significant effect on leaf area;the girdling treatment on 17 June significantly increased leaf size,leaf area and leaf thickness.In the girdling treatment on 14 June,the total chlorophyll content was significantly lower than that of CK at 5 d and 10 d after gird-ling;in the girdling treatment on 17 June,the chlorophyll content was significantly reduced after gir-dling.Only the 14 June girdling treatment showed a significant reduction in total nitrogen content at 3 d and 5 d after girdling,while the rest of the treatments showed non-significant differences.The girdling treatments reduced total phosphorus content at all times;at 3 d and 5 d after girdling,the girdling treatments increased total potassium content.Girdling significantly increased the fruit set rate of date palm hangers,increased the number of fruit on secondary branches and increased the yield per plant,with the best effect of girdling on 14 June.
作者 董科阳 张琦 苏之航 丁紫薇 张驰 DONG Keyang;ZHANG Qi;SU Zhihang;DING Ziwei;ZHANG Chi(National and Local Joint Engineering Laboratory for Eficient and High-quality Cultivation and Deep Processing Technology of Characteristic Fruit Trees in Southern Xinjiang/Key Laboratory For Protection and Utilization of Biological Resources in Tarim Basin of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps/College of Horticulture and Forestry of Xinjiang Tarim University,Alar,Xinjiang 843300,China;Agricultural College of Xinjiang Tarim University,Alar,Xinjiang 843300,China)
出处 《落叶果树》 2023年第3期48-53,共6页 Deciduous Fruits
基金 兵团民生实事“农业技术辐射带动”项目(MSSS201903) 兵团科技特派员项目(BT1720220020F)。
关键词 灰枣 环剥 叶片性状 坐果 Huizao girdling leaf traits fruit setting
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