本文((1))系以第一人称书写方式追溯作者如何在上世纪九十年代从事“新闻(媒介)框架”研究,其内容聚焦于以“学术”与“个人”认同之双重身份,详述其当年在中国台湾的兴衰隆替。此一写作方式或与时下盛行的学术文章要求不尽相合,但仍呼应了社会科学“向自传式方法转向”(the autobiographical turn)的后起思潮,强调任何说故事者(包括本文作者)得以自我“生命讲述”(life accounts)方式来表征特定时空之(学术)生活经验,由此显示从过去到现在的人生旅程如何变化。作者认为,曾在1990—2010年间广受传播学者重视的“新闻(媒介)框架”研究面临社会情境的变化,现已逐渐失去风采而需改弦易辙地找到与以前不同的研究途径。
Based on the author's first-person writing method,this article traces how the dual identities of“academic”and“personal”identification related to the rise and fall of news(media)framing research in Taiwan region in those years.The style of this article's writing may not be in line with the prevailing academic requirements,it still echoes“the autobiographical turn”popular in the modern social sciences,emphasizing how the life experiences of any storyteller(including the author of this article)can be represented by life accounts of the self,thus showing how the(academic)life journey from the past to the present changes.The author believes that the news(media)framing research,which was widely valued by communication scholars in the era of 1990~2010,has gradually lost its heyday due to the impact of social changes,and it is necessary to find different research approaches from the past.
Tsang Kuo-Jen(College of Communication,National Chengchi University,China)
Journalism and Mass Communication