
云南省恙虫病媒介恙螨区系研究进展 被引量:2

Fauna of scrub typhus vector chigger mites in Yunnan Province
摘要 恙螨隶属于节肢动物门、蛛形纲、蜱螨亚纲、真螨目的恙螨科和列恙螨科,种类繁多,在全球范围内,已知恙螨超过3 700种,中国记录了3个亚科46属531种。其中,云南省记录了3个亚科32属320种,位居全国报道之首。现阶段认为恙螨是恙虫病的唯一传播媒介,全球已知的恙虫病潜在传播媒介约有60种,中国已被证实的媒介恙螨有6种:地里纤恙螨、小板纤恙螨、微红纤恙螨、吉首纤恙螨、高湖纤恙螨和海岛纤恙螨,云南省记录到的媒介恙螨有5种:地里纤恙螨、小板纤恙螨、微红纤恙螨、高湖纤恙螨和海岛纤恙螨。将云南省划分为横断山中部小区、横断山南部小区、滇东高原小区、滇西高原小区和滇南山地小区5个动物地理小区进行区系研究,发现横断山南部小区已知恙螨的属、种及恙虫病病例数最多,有3亚科22属216种,5种媒介恙螨均有分布;滇南山地小区恙螨种类、数量最少,有3亚科12属91种;小板纤恙螨是云南省全境范围内的优势恙螨。云南省自然地理条件适合恙螨孳生,导致了大量的恙虫病病例。据统计云南省恙虫病病例数增长最快,2016、2017、2018年患病人数分别为2006年的15.40倍、20.64倍、28.91倍,恙虫病感染人数逐年递增。恙虫病仍然是我国云南地区较严重的公共卫生问题,威胁着疫区群众的健康,对恙虫病的预防和控制仍需聚焦于疫区公众。 Chigger mites belong to the phylum Arthropoda,class Arachnida,sub-class Acari,order Parasitiformes,family Trombiculidae and Leeuwenhoekiidae,with a wide range of species.There are more than 3700 known species of mites globally,of which 531 species in 46 genera from three sub-families have been recorded in China,and 320 species of chigger mites recorded from 3 subfamilies and 32 genera in Yunnan Province.At this stage,chigger mites are the only vectors of scrub typhus,with about 60 species worldwide being potential vectors.Six vectorial mite species have been confirmed in China,including Leptotrombidium deliense,L.scutellare,L.rubellum,L.sialkotense,L.kaohuense,L.insulare.Yunnan Province has reported five vectorial mite species,including the previously-mentioned five species except for L.sialkotense.The zoogeographic study divided Yunnan Province into 5 zoogeographic areas,namely,Central Hengduan Mountains subregion,Southern Hengduan Mountains subregion,Eastern Yunnan Plateau subregion,Western Yunnan Plateau subregion,Southern Yunnan Mountainous subregion.The Southern Hengduan Mountains subregion has the highest number of known genera and species of scrub typhus and the highest number of scrub typhus cases,with 216 species in 22 genera from 3 subfamilies,and all 5 species of vector scrub typhus were distributed.Southern Yunnan Mountain subregion has the least number of mite species,with 91 species in 12 genera from three sub-families,with L.scutellare being the dominant vectorial mite species across the province.Due to suitable natural geographic conditions in Yunnan Province,vectorial mites can propagate rapidly,leading to a large number of scrub typhus cases.According to statistics,the number of scrub typhus cases in Yunnan Province has rapidly increased,with 15.40 times,20.64 times and 28.91 times more cases in 2016,2017 and 2018 respectively than in 2006.Scrub typhus remains a serious public health problem in Yunnan Province,posing a threat to the health of the local population.Therefore,prevention and control efforts should continue to focus on the affected areas and the general public.
作者 周瑜 任天广 ZHOU Yu;REN Tian-guang(School of Nursing,Dali University,Dali,Yunnan 671000,China)
出处 《中国热带医学》 CAS 2023年第5期550-555,共6页 China Tropical Medicine
基金 云南省地方高校基础联合项目(No.202001BA070001-053)。
关键词 媒介恙螨 区系 恙虫病 动物地理小区 云南 Vector chigger mites fauna scrub typhus zoogeographic Yunnan
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