
表面增强拉曼光谱技术在动物源性食品兽药残留检测中的应用 被引量:2

Application Progress of Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy for Detection Veterinary Drug Residues in Animal-Derived Food
摘要 动物源性食品是人类营养摄入必不可少的食品之一,兽药被广泛用于动物饲养和疾病防治,但兽药残留超标等问题对消费者的健康安全构成了严重威胁。为防止受污染的食品对消费者造成危害,研发快速有效的兽药残留分析方法非常必要。表面增强拉曼光谱法(SERS)作为一种痕量的检测方法,有望能够满足目前动物源性食品高效、快速、灵敏的检测需求。综述了SERS方法在动物源性食品兽药残留检测中的研究进展,包括肉类(猪肉、鸡肉、鸭肉、鱼肉)、乳和乳制品及蜂蜜中兽药残留的SERS分析研究。概述了SERS技术在肉类食品中主要兽药残留的检测应用进展。家禽肉中的兽药分析包括四环素类药物、磺胺类药物、恩诺沙星和激素类等药物;猪肉中的兽药主要分析了β-受体激动剂、氯霉素、左旋咪唑等药物;鱼肉中的兽药分析了染料类、磺胺类和氯霉素等药物。对乳和乳制品中的四环素类、氨基糖苷类、青霉素类、酰胺醇类药物的SERS检测进行了总结讨论。简述了SERS在蜂蜜中氯霉素类、四环素类等药物的分析。对SERS在动物源性食品的研究发展方向和应用前景进行了总结和展望。虽然SERS作为一种快速、超灵敏的检测方法,在分析复杂食品体系中的微量或痕量化合物方面,尤其是在食品中可能对健康造成危害的禁用和限用化学物质检测方面显示出了巨大的潜力,具有较好的发展前景,但依然面临极大的挑战。突破技术瓶颈,建立动物源性食品中兽药残留检测的SERS快速分析策略,开发出兽药残留的现场实时检测方案,将对食品安全检测监管具有重要意义。 Animal-derived food is one of the most essential parts of human nutrient ingestion.Veterinary drugs are vital for farming and are widely used for livestock breeding and disease prevention.However,excessive veterinary drug residue has severely impacted consumers’health,which also hinders the development of animal-derived food.In such a concern,developing a rapid and effective detecting method is important to avoid adverse effects on consumers’health.As a trace-level detection method,surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy(SERS)demonstrates great potential in fulfilling the rapid,effective,and sensitive demands for veterinary drug residue in animal-derived food.This work reviewed the development of the SERS-based detection method for veterinary drug residue in animal-derived food,including meat(i.e.,pork,chicken,duck,and fish),dairy products,and honey products.First,this review introduced the development of SERS technology in detecting the primary veterinary drug in meat products.The veterinary drug analysis includes several aspects,for example,tetracycline,sulfonamides,enrofloxacin,hormones in poultry products,β-agonists,chloramphenicol,and levamisole in pork,dye,sulfonamides,chloramphenicol in fish products.Second,the SERS-based detection of tetracycline,aminoglycosides,penicillin,and amide alcohols in dairy products is discussed.Third,this review briefly introduced the use of SERS for chloramphenicol and tetracycline detection in honey products.Finally,the conclusion and the perspectives of the SERS detection technology in animal-derived food are provided.The SERS demonstrates broad interest in the trace-level analysis of complicated chemical components in the food industry,especially suitable for prohibited and restricted chemical substances that may be hazardous to human health,making this technology highly perspective.However,opportunities exist with challenges.Breaking through the key technical bottlenecks,establishing rapid detection strategies for veterinary drug residue in animal-derived food,and developing on-site and real-time detection protocols will be significant in food safety supervision.
作者 李春颖 王红义 李永春 李静 陈高乐 樊玉霞 LI Chun-ying;WANG Hong-yi;LI Yong-chun;LI Jing;CHEN Gao-le;FAN Yu-xia(College of Chemistry and Life Sciences,Chifeng University,Chifeng 024000,China;Department of Food Science and Engineering,School of Agriculture and Biology,Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai 200240,China)
出处 《光谱学与光谱分析》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第6期1667-1675,共9页 Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis
基金 内蒙古自治区高等学校科学研究项目(NJZY21129) 赤峰学院引进高层次人才科研项目(QDJRCYJ025) 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(32001827)资助。
关键词 表面增强拉曼光谱 动物源性食品 兽药残留 食品安全 Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy Animal-derived food Veterinary drug residues Food safety
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