

Research on digital human generation and drive technology
摘要 近年来,随着人工智能技术的不断发展,元宇宙开始受到学者们的广泛关注。数字人是元宇宙中最重要的参与者和创造者,是最具价值和影响力的数字资产,因此如何快速生成和驱动数字人是构建元宇宙的关键问题之一,同时数字人在影视动画领域也有重要的应用。本文首先系统梳理了数字人的概念、发展历程,重点探讨了目前主流的数字人生成和驱动技术。其次,本文提出一种基于照片的数字人生成和实时驱动架构,该架构只需要输入人物照片即可构建写实风格的数字人,并能实现数字人表情的稳定驱动。最后,本文展望了数字人未来应用的趋势和挑战。 In recent years,with the continuous development of artificial intelligence technology,metaverse has started to re⁃ceive extensive attention from scholars.Digital human are the most important participants and creators in metaverse,and the most valuable and influential digital assets.Therefore,how to quickly generate and drive digital human is one of the key issues in building metaverse,while digital human also has important applications in the field of film and animation.This paper first systematically compares the concept and development history of digital human,and focuses on the current mainstream digital human generation and driving techniques.Secondly,this paper proposes a photo⁃based digital human generation and real⁃time driving architecture,which can build a realistic⁃style digital human by simply inputting a photo of the character and can achieve stable driving of the digital human expressions.Finally,this paper looks ahead for both trends and challenges of future applications of digital human.
作者 杨文韬 刘沛卿 佟佳欣 柳杨 Yang Wentao;Liu Peiqing;Tong Jiaxin;Liu Yang(GUANGXI ARTS PUBLISHING HOUSE Co.Ltd.;Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications)
出处 《现代电影技术》 2023年第6期25-32,共8页 Advanced Motion Picture Technology
关键词 数字人生成 数字人驱动 深度学习 人脸关键点 Generation of Digital Human Driving of Digital Human Deep Learning Face Landmark
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