

Application of New Fundamental Surveying and Mapping and Real Scene 3D Technology in Urban Planning-A Case Study of Special Planning for Vertical Engineering(Optimization)in Jiulong Lake Area of Nanchang City
摘要 针对目前各地都在探索新型基础测绘与实景三维建设的内容及应用场景,以南昌市九龙湖区域竖向工程(优化)专项规划为例,研究了基于新型基础测绘的数据采集方式、生产组织体系、产品成果模式,及实景三维成果如何在城市规划中进行应用等问题。为实景三维如何在自然资源管理中发挥应用提供了重要参考。 In view of the requirements and application scenarios of new fundamental surveying and mapping and Real scene 3D construction being explored all over the world,this paper takes the special planning of Vertical Engineering(optimization)in Jiulong Lake area of Nanchang city as an example to study the data collection method,production organization system,product achievement mode based on new fundamental surveying and mapping,and how to apply Real scene 3D results in urban planning.It provides an important reference for the construction content of new fundamental surveying and mapping and Real scene 3D,and how to play its application in natural resource management.
作者 胡朝晖 林丹 李威俊 徐荣 周冰 HU Zhaohui;LIN Dan;LI Weijun;XU Rong;ZHOU Bing(Nanchang Urban Planning&Design Institute Co.,Ltd.,330038,Nanchang,PRC;The First Geological Brigade of Jiangxi Geological Bureau,330052,Nanchang,PRC;Key Laboratory of Mine Environmental Monitoring and Improving Around Poyang Lake of Ministry of Natural Resources,East China University of Technology,330013,Nanchang,PRC;The Sixth Geological Brigade of Jiangxi Geological Bureau,335000,Yingtan,Jiangxi,PRC)
出处 《江西科学》 2023年第3期555-558,564,共5页 Jiangxi Science
基金 自然资源部环鄱阳湖区域矿山环境监测与治理重点实验室开放基金项目(MEMI-2021-2022-13)。
关键词 新型基础测绘 实景三维技术 竖向规划 无人机倾斜摄影 激光雷达 new fundamental surveying and mapping real scene 3D technology vertical optimization UAV oblique photogrammetry LiDAR
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