采用磨料水射流喷丸(Abrasive Water Jet Peening,AWJP)与超声表面滚压(UItrasonic Surface Rolling Process,USRP)高能复合改性工艺对40CrNiMoA钢进行了表面改性处理。探明了经高能复合改性处理后材料的表面性能参数影响规律。结果表明,高能复合改性试样表面硬度为632 HV,比未改性试样增加了31%。最大残余压应力(Compressive Residual Stress,CRS)约为1100 MPa,分布在距离最表面约45μm位置处,CRS场有效深度超过了600μm。同时,表面粗糙度度显著降低,表面质量明显改善。高能复合改性获得了理想的表面性能参数。
The surface modification of 40CrNiMoA steel was carried out by the high-energy composite modification process of abrasive water jet peening(AWJP)and UItrasonic surface rolling process(USRP).We explored the surface properties parameters influence law of the material after high-energy composite modification treatment.The results show that the surface hardness of the high energy composite modified sample is 632 HV,which is 31%higher than that of the unmodified sample.The maximum residual compressive stress approximately is 1100 MPa,distributed at a distance of approximately 45μm from the surface,the effective depth of the residual compressive stress field exceeds 600μm.At the same time,the surface roughness is significantly reduced and the surface quality is markedly improved.High energy composite modification has achieved ideal surface performance parameters.
Zou Jianghe(School of Mechanical Engineering,Guiyang University,Guiyang,China)
Scientific and Technological Innovation