

Development of the Resource System of Foreign Language Curriculum-Based Ideological and Political Education of the New Liberal Arts
摘要 新外语专业课程是课程思政建设的基本载体,新文科外语专业课程思政实践要取得实效长效,必须有规划有组织地建构基于专业课程内容体系的思政资源体系。新文科外语专业课程思政资源体系的构建,必须汇聚物质和非物质资源,建构人力资源,尤其要建设一支认同课程思政理念并具有结合专业课程内容适时恰当地开展课程思政胜任力的师资队伍,深化其对新文科外语专业课程思政理念的认同度和践行度,促进知识和思想资源的科学收集、系统编选、创意开发,持续扩容并完善具有思政价值的新文科外语专业课程内容的知识图谱库,增加人力资源的知识和思想资源存量,为培养能担当民族伟大复兴重任的社会主义建设者和接班人提供资源保障。 Foreign language courses are the basic carrier of Curriculum-Based Ideological and Political Education.To achieve practical and long-term effect,it’s essential to develop,in a planned and organized way,the resource system of for-eign language Curriculum-Based Ideological and Political Education of the New Liberal Arts.To develop the resource sys-tem,it’s of vital essence to gather material and non-material resources to construct human resources,especially a team of teachers who approve the concept of the Curriculum-Based Ideological and Political Education and are competent to carry out such educating activities by combining with the curriculum content in a timely and appropriate manner,to deepen their approval and practice of the concept of the foreign language Curriculum-Based Ideological and Political Education of the New Liberal Arts,to motivate them to collect scientifically,select and revise systematically,as well as compile and develop creatively knowledge and ideological resources,and to keep increasing and improving the resources of mapping knowledge domain of the curriculum content with Curriculum-Based Ideological and Political Education value to increase the knowl-edge and ideological resources available and accessible to human resources,with the aim of providing resource guarantee for the cultivation of socialist builders and successors who can shoulder the important task of national rejuvenation.
作者 顾玉兰 GU Yulan(Foreign Languages School of Sichuan University of Arts and Science,Dazhou Sichuan 635000,China)
出处 《四川文理学院学报》 2023年第3期139-144,共6页 Sichuan University of Arts and Science Journal
基金 四川外国语言文学研究中心与高等教育出版社资助项目“新文科外语专业课程思政教育课程体系与资源建设研究”(SCWYGJ20-09)。
关键词 新文科 外语专业 课程思政 资源体系 New Liberal Arts foreign language speciality Curriculum-Based Ideological and Political Education the resource system
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