

The Connotation Trait of the Great Founding Spirit of the Party and the Practice of the Times
摘要 党的二十大主题明确提出了“弘扬伟大建党精神”的要求。伟大建党精神作为中国共产党的精神之源,其生成机理在于近代中国社会发展的迫切需要、马克思主义的科学指引、革命斗争实践的锻造淬炼。伟大建党精神意涵深邃,从“知”“行”“意”“情”四个层面诠释了中国共产党人的政治灵魂、政治责任、政治风骨和政治立场,构成党的精神之柱、精神之要、精神之基和精神之根,体现了崇高性、实践性、斗争性与人民性的精神特质,人民性是贯穿其中的逻辑主线。新时代新征程,要切实践履伟大建党精神,进一步筑牢信仰基石、砥砺初心使命、坚持斗争精神、恪守忠诚本色,彰显伟大建党精神的时代价值,夯实建设社会主义现代化强国的精神支撑。 The theme of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China explicitly puts forward the requirement of"promoting the great founding spirit of the Party".As the source of the spirit of Communist Party of China(CPC),the generative mechanism of the great founding spirit of the Party lies in the urgent need of social development in modern China,the scientific guidance of Marxism,and the forging and refinement of the practice of revolutionary struggle.The great founding spirit of the Party is profound in connotation,interpreting the political soul,political responsibility,political strength of character and political stance of the Chinese Communists from the four levels of"learning","action","intention"to"emotion",which constitutes the spiritual pillar,spiritual essence,spiritual foundation and spiritual root of the Party,and embodies the spiritual traits of loftiness,practicality,struggle and affinity to the people,with the affinity to the people being the logical thread running through it.In the new era and new journey,we must earnestly practice the great founding spirit of the Party,further strengthen the cornerstone of faith,work on our original mission,adhere to the spirit of struggle,and abide by the true nature of loyalty,so as to manifest the age value of the great founding spirit of the Party,and consolidate the spiritual support for building a modern,powerful socialist country.
作者 樊爱霞 闫凌波 FAN Aixia;YAN Lingbo(Department of Ideological and Political Education,Shanxi Police College,Taiyuan 030401,China;School of Cinematic Arts,Hebei Academy of Fine Arts,Shijiazhuang 050700,China)
出处 《山西高等学校社会科学学报》 2023年第6期9-16,共8页 Social Sciences Journal of Universities in Shanxi
基金 山西省哲学社会科学规划课题思政专项课题“伟大建党精神的丰厚意蕴”(2022YS044) 山西省教育科学“十三五”规划2019年度课题“‘红船精神’融入高校思想政治教育研究”(GH-19150) 山西警察学院2023年教学改革创新项目思政专项“党的二十大精神融入‘中国近现代史纲要’课教学研究——以‘道’‘学’‘术’相统一为视角”(2023YJGSZ01)。
关键词 伟大建党精神 生成机理 意涵特质 时代践履 the great founding spirit of the Party generative mechanism connotation trait practice of the times
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