Substantial substitution standard is an important judgment path for unfair competition of data.In exploring the connotation of this standard,the standard of"substantial substitution"in the infringement of the right of information network dissemination can be compared with its etymology,and they have common points and differences depending on the contexts.The theory of misappropriation in the anti-unfair competition law and the substantial substitution standard have similarities in the protection objects,protection methods and protection principles,which can provide a framework reference for the application of the substantial substitution standard.In terms of the structure of application,the judgment of substantial substitution standard contains three levels of steps:the basis of interest,the conduct element and the result element.First,the data collection being substituted has an interest base,which requires that the data collector has made a substantial labor or financial commitment in its data collection,that the data collection should have a substantial number of data entries,and that,in addition,there is no need to examine the legitimacy of the data collector's collection practices and the adoption of stewardship measures for the data collection;second,the substitution is unjustified,on the basis of the distinction between data use behavior and data acquisition behavior,it can be examined separately whether the data user's use behavior for data lacks substantial innovation,whether it fails to comply with the principles of appropriateness and necessity in the proportionality principle,and whether it does not meet the normal standard of conduct of a professional;and the third,substitution results in competitive harm that undermines the core competencies of data collectors,threatens the key business and business models that are critical to their survival,and undermines good market competition,reduces incentives for innovation in the market,and violates the principle of effective competition.
LI Yong(Civil,Commercial and Economic Law School,China University of Political Science and Law,Beijing 100088,China;Market Supervision Law Research Center,China University of Political Science and Law,Beijing 100088,China)
China Business and Market
substantial substitution
anti-unfair competition law
commercial data
competition order