
基于湖泊底泥的植物种植基对牧草生长的影响试验 被引量:1

Exploring the Impact of Lake Sediment Based Planting Substrates on Forage Growth:An Experimental Analysis
摘要 为揭示湖泊底泥资源化利用在生态修复领域的效果,以呼伦湖底泥作为主要基质,通过添加牛粪、羊粪、秸秆制作植物种植基用于草原牧草恢复。试验设置7个处理,从牧草发芽率和成活率、株高、平均根长等物理性状,以及牧草与种植基的有机质、养分含量和酸碱度等化学性状方面,探究不同原料配比下种植基对草原牧草生长发育的影响。结果显示,TN3(底泥、牛粪、秸秆体积比为2∶3.25∶2)与TY6(底泥、羊粪、秸秆体积比为2∶3.25∶2)处理牧草生长状况最好,且冰草生长状况优于羊草;TN3与TY6处理的冰草发芽率分别为73.00%和72.00%,羊草发芽率分别为19.00%和28.00%;对于牧草其他物理性状指标以及牧草与种植基化学性状指标,TN3与TY6处理均高于其余处理,表明底泥与秸秆含量越高,牧草生长状况越好,且TY6优于TN3,即相同配比下添加羊粪的种植基更有利于牧草生长。研究结果可为呼伦湖底泥资源化利用以及沙化草地治理提供技术支撑。 Environmental protection has always been centered on the using of lake sediment as a resource.The sediment collected from Hulun Lake was used as the main substrate to demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of lake sediment resource utilization in ecological restoration,and the planting substrate was created by combining cow dung,sheep dung,and straw.The experiment included seven treatments:CK,TN1,TN2,TN3,TY4,TY5,and TY6.Physical properties such as germination rate and survival rate of forage,plant height,average root length,and chemical properties such as organic matter,nutrient content,and pH of the soil were examined to determine the impact of planting substrates on the growth and development of steppe forage.The results show that TN3(sediment∶cow dung∶straw=2∶3.25∶2)and TY6(sediment∶sheep dung∶straw=2∶3.25∶2)treatments had the best effects on forage growth,and that Agropyron mongolicum grew much effectively than Leymus chinensis.Leymus chinensis had 19.00%and 28.00%germination rates in TN3 and TY6,respectively,and Agropyron mongolicum had 73.00%and 72.00%germination rates in TN3 and TY6,respectively.Adding sheep dung planting base at the same proportion is more beneficial to the growth of forage than the other treatments.As for the other physical property indexes of forage and chemical property indexes of forage and planting substrates,TN3 and TY6 are higher than the other treatments with the same raw material.This indicates that the higher the content of sediment and straw in the planting substrates,the better the forage growth.The results of this research can provide technical support for the utilization of Hulun Lake′s sediment resources and the managment of sandy meadows.
作者 李菡庭 田美荣 霍晓君 尤春赫 聂华月 高吉喜 LI Han-ting;TIAN Mei-rong;HUO Xiao-jun;YOU Chun-he;NIE Hua-yue;GAO Ji-xi(State Key Laboratory of Environmental Criteria and Risk Assessment,Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences,Beijing 100012,China;Inner Mongolia Academy of Ecology and Environment Sciences,Hohhot 010010,China;Satellite Application Center for Ecology and Environment,Ministry of Ecology and Environment,Beijing 100094,China)
出处 《生态与农村环境学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第6期750-757,共8页 Journal of Ecology and Rural Environment
基金 国家重点研发计划(2021YFB3901104)。
关键词 植物种植基 湖泊底泥 草原牧草 生态环境 呼伦湖 planting substrate lake sediment steppe forage ecological environment Hulun lake
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