
Efficacy of Biological and Physical Enhancement on Targeted Muscle Reinnervation

摘要 Targeted muscle reinnervation(TMR)is a microsurgical repair technique to reconstruct the anatomical structure between thedistal nerve and the muscle stump to provide more myoelectric information to the artificially intlligent prosthesis.Postoperative functional electrical stimulation treatment of the patient's denervated muscle or proximal nerve stump as well asnerve growth factor injection is effective in promoting nerve regeneration and muscle function recovery.In this experiment,wesuccessfully established a TMR rat model and divided Sprague-Dawley(SD)adult male rats into IMR group,TMR+FESgroup,and TMR+NGF group acording to TMR and whether they received FES treatment or NGF injection after surgery.and the recovery ffect of rat neuromuscular function was assessed by analyzing EMG signals.Through the experiments,weconfrmed that growth factor supplementation and lowfrequency electrical stimulation can efectively promote theregeneration of the transplanted nerve as well as signifcantly enhance the motor function of the target muscle and have a positive effect on the regeneration of the transplanted nerve.
出处 《Cyborg and Bionic Systems》 2022年第1期55-63,共9页 类生命系统(英文)
基金 supported by the National Science Foundation of China(Nos.81960419,81760416,and 81927804) the Sci-ence and Technology Project of Department of Education of Guizhou Province(Grant no.KY[2018]056) Zunyi Medical University Postgraduate Education Innovation Program Pro-ject(ZYK033) the Science and Technology Project of Zunyi(Grant No.HZ[2019]12) Student Innovation Project of Zunyi Medical University(ZHCX202129,ZHCX202117) the CAS Key Laboratory of Human-Machine Intelligence Synergic Systems,Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Joint Laboratory of Human-Machine Intelligence-Synergy Systems(No.2019B121205007).
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