
美欧碳关税政策的发展、影响及中国应对 被引量:9

Development and impact of carbon tariff policies in the United States and Europe and China’s responses
摘要 全球气候治理成为焦点问题,各国之间的制衡和竞争也进入了新的阶段,发达国家试图通过政策设计对冲减排投入。美欧同步在碳关税政策上发力,意图争夺全球气候治理主导权。碳关税政策的实施可能引起国际政经格局变化,激发南北国家对立;恶化发展中国家贸易条件,降低国际贸易规模;影响全球气候治理现有格局,造成南北国家博弈加剧。同时,可能恶化中国气候领域的国际合作基础和外部环境,降低中国对外贸易规模和企业竞争力,并对中国产业发展和低碳转型造成负面冲击。积极应对是保护国内利益的重要出发点,应注意:①加强南南合作,以“共同但有区别的责任”原则为基础,争夺国际气候规则话语权;②强化贸易应对、提前谋划碳关税应对预案,加强政策跟踪研判,探索碳关税反制政策工具;③优化产业布局,深化供给侧结构性改革,摆脱高能耗、高污染的发展模式,加快绿色转型和低碳发展步伐;④通过建立完善的碳排放核算标准体系、优化国内碳税法律体系和征管机制、加快完善中国碳交易市场体系等完善碳市场体制机制。 As global climate governance has become a global concern,equilibrium and competition among countries have entered a new stage.Developed countries have tried to hedge emissions reduction investment through policy design.The United States and European countries are simultaneously working on the formulation of carbon tariff policies,with the intention of competing for the leading role in global climate governance.The Biden administration in the United States has frequently acted on climate policies,trying to avoid the restriction of a nationally unified carbon pricing and introducing a more subjective collection standard at the level of environmental bill formulation.The implementation of carbon tariff policies may cause changes in international political and economic patterns and stimulate confrontations between countries of the Global North and those of the Global South.In the meantime,these policies may deteriorate the terms of trade of developing countries and reduce the scale of international trade.Furthermore,they may affect the current pattern of global climate governance and intensify the game between countries of the Global North and those of the Global South.Finally,they may undermine the foundation of international cooperation and the external environment in China’s climate field,reduce the scale of China’s foreign trade and corporate competitiveness,and have a negative impact on China’s industrial development and lowcarbon transformation.Active response is an important starting point for protecting China’s domestic interests.This paper suggests that attention should be paid to:①the consolidation of the South-South cooperation and competition for the voice of international climate rules based on the principle of‘common but differentiated responsibilities’(CDR);②the strengthening of trade response,the formulation of carbon tariff response plans in advance,the intensification of policy tracking,research,and judgment,and the exploration of policy tools of carbon tariff countermeasures;③the optimization of the industrial layout,the deepening of the supply-side reform,the abandonment of the development mode of high energy consumption and high pollution,and the acceleration of green transformation and lowcarbon development;④the improvement of the carbon market system and mechanism by establishing a complete carbon emission accounting standard system,the optimization of the domestic carbon tax legal system as well as the collection and management mechanisms,and the improvement of China’s carbon trading market system.
作者 李鑫 魏姗 李惠娟 LI Xin;WEI Shan;LI Huijuan(Institute of World Ecomomy,Shanghai Academy of Social Science,Shanghai 200235,China;School of Economics and Finance,Xi’an Jiaotong University,Xi’an Shaanxi 710061,China;College of Marxism,Jiangsu Normal University,Xuzhou Jiangsu 221116,China;School of Finance,Xuzhou Institute of Engineering,Xuzhou Jiangsu 221018,China)
出处 《中国人口·资源与环境》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2023年第5期85-98,共14页 China Population,Resources and Environment
基金 全国统计科学研究优选(一般)项目“双碳视域下运动式减碳的效应测度及纠偏策略研究”(批准号:2022LY039) 江苏高校哲学社会科学研究重大项目“‘双碳’目标下长三角运动式减碳的纠正策略研究”(批准号:2022SJZD060)。
关键词 全球气候治理 碳关税 碳边境调节机制 碳交易市场 global climate governance carbon tariff carbon border adjustment mechanism carbon market
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