

Research on application of intelligent diagnostic technology in structural health monitoring:Taking the Changzhou Beihuan Road Primary School teaching building as an example
摘要 将研究的智慧诊断技术应用于大型工程结构的健康监测:依托常州市北环路小学教学楼健康监测工程项目,同时利用传感器技术、物联网通讯技术和云平台技术,建立了能够自动采集、传输、存储、分析、预警的结构健康监测系统。基于大数据分析与人工智能算法,自动识别并剔除了异常监测数据,提取了数据趋势,并结合专家经验进行了多指标的数据融合,实现了结构安全状态评估与趋势预测。 Intelligent diagnostic technology has been applied in health monitoring of large engineering structure,depending on the project of Changzhou Beihuan Road Primary School teaching building,the advanced technologies of sensing device,internet of things(IOT)communication and cloud platform were used to to establish a system integrating data collection,transfer,storage,analysis and alarm which were all automated function for structural health monitoring.Abnormal monitoring data was identified and eliminated automatically based on artificial intelligence algorithm and big-data analysis technology,extracted the data trend and combined with expert experience further,multiple-index data fusion can be realized for structural safety state evaluation and trend prediction.
作者 徐德志 沈杰 徐衎 朱萌 Xu Dezhi;Shen Jie;Xu Kan;Zhu Meng(Changzhou Architectural Research Institute Group Co.,Ltd.,Changzhou 213001,China)
出处 《四川建筑科学研究》 2023年第3期60-66,共7页 Sichuan Building Science
基金 江苏省住房和城乡建设厅2019年省级抗震加固资金(苏财建[2019]50号)。
关键词 既有建筑 结构健康监测 智慧诊断 结构安全状态评估 趋势预测 existing building structural health monitoring intelligent diagnosis structural safety state evaluation trend prediction
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