
非物质文化遗产传承与保护工作中的藏汉文化交流与交融——以南路边茶传统制作工艺变迁为例 被引量:1

Cultural Exchange and Integration Between Tibetan and Han in the Inheritance and Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage:Taking the Changes in Traditional Manufacturing Techniques of Nanlu Biancha as a Case Study
摘要 通过梳理南路边茶的传统制作工艺和贸易历史,认为南路边茶的制作工艺在唐代初见雏形,到宋代又新增了“渥堆”工序。唐宋两朝的“茶马互市”,由唐朝的单纯经贸往来,到宋朝的“以茶治边”“以茶博马”,客观上促进了民族经济文化的互动交流。元明清时期在茶马政策和“西番茶”制造工艺的影响下,南路边茶制作工艺发生了一系列变迁。其变迁过程反映了各民族之间的交流与交融,是藏族对汉文化趋向性的认知,是汉藏在漫长岁月交流互动中达成的文化基因上的契合,体现了铸牢中华民族共同体意识的文化自觉与文化实践。 This article attempts to explore the traditional processing craftsmanship,transportation,and trading history of Nanlu Biancha(i.e.the South Route Tea for Borderlands),an intangible cultural heritage at the national level.It furthermore tries to examine the Chinese national community consciousness reflected in the process of protection and inheritance of the craftsmanship of Nanlu Biancha.The Nanlu Biancha manufacturing process took shape in the Tang Dynasty,while the wodui—stack fermentation process—was added to this during the Song Dynasty.During the Tang and Song dynasties,the“tea-horse exchange market”system promoted economic and cultural exchange among different ethnic peoples,evolving from simple economic trade in the Tang Dynasty to the strategy of“governing borderlands by means of tea”and“exchanging horses with tea”in the Song Dynasty.After that,during the Yuan,Ming,and Qing dynasties,a series of changes further modified the tea-horse policy and the manufacturing process of Xifa(meaning“western ethnic”)tea.At the end of the Qing Dynasty,with the decline of national power,the British invaded Tibet through India and began selling Indian tea on the plateau on a large scale,significantly impacting the traditional Han-Tibetan tea trade.These changes in the traditional production process of Nanlu Biancha arguably reflect the communication and integration among various ethnic groups.The Tibetan-inhabited areas of China,with their high-altitude and dry climate,are unsuitable for tea production.The phenomenon of tea and tea-drinking customs,therefore,was introduced from the inland parts of China.The ancient transportation networks of Biancha followed two routes,the north and the south.The shared section of these two routes,spanning from Ya an to Kangding,got further divided into Dalucha(i.e.Big Road Tea)and Xiaolucha(being Small Road Tea).The Han and Tibetan people tacitly cooperated in this tea transportation endeavor.Results further show the packaging of Nanlu Biancha was made of bamboo,abundantly available in Ya an and known for its low cost and good air permeability of the bamboo strips,which favored the post-fermentation of tea during transportation.When reaching Kangding,however,it was necessary to have a specially-assigned person to repackage the tea;thus,a unique“sewing tea industry”gradually emerged occupied by repackaging tea bricks with leather.The replacement of Nanlu Biancha bamboo strips with cowhide leather not only ensured sufficient post-fermentation but also provided the required wear resistance to the outer packaging of tea during the shipment logistics in the plateau.The Nanlu Biancha traditional production process materializes the cultural exchanges and integration between the Tibetan and Han communities.The“Han people making tea,Tibetan people drinking tea”pattern can be considered a typical case of cultural interchange within the Chinese national community.The introduction of tea and the formation of tea-drinking habits in Tibet conceivably reflect the Tibetans appreciation of Han culture and a shared cultural legacy achieved during the long-term exchanges and continuous interaction between the Han and Tibetans.Every step of the development of the Nanlu Biancha processing method demonstrates the tea-drinking habits of the Tibetans,and this craft evolved accordingly throughout history.This can be seen as an inherent pursuit of unity and integration of the Chinese nation achieved by the tea craft intangible heritage carriers.The history of inheritance and development of Nanlu Biancha is also mirrored in the formation history of the Chinese nation,where many ethnic groups converge into a pluralistic unity,reflecting and forging a sense of community for the Chinese nation.
作者 谢雪娇 肖坤冰 Xie Xuejiao;Xiao Kunbing(School of Ethnology and Sociology,Southwest Minzu University,Chengdu,610041,Sichuan,China)
出处 《民族学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第2期73-82,158,共11页 Journal of Ethnology
基金 2018年度西南民族大学中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目“南路边茶制作工艺的变迁、传承与保护研究”(2018SQN19) 2021年度国家社科基金一般项目“西南民族地区口头传统中的同源共祖观与中华民族共同体意识研究”(21MBZ026)阶段性成果。
关键词 中华民族共同体意识 民族文化交流与交融 非物质文化遗产 南路边茶 a sense of community for the Chinese nation ethnic cultural exchange and integration intangible cultural heritage Nanlu Biancha
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