

The Process and Influence of the Chengdu Generals’Handling of the Frontier Challenges in the Yi Areas of Sichuan during the Daoguang Period
摘要 清代中前期,清廷试在今四川大、小凉山地区的彝族聚居地实行改土归流,加强对该地区的统治。但改革流于形式,效果甚微。随着外来百姓不断迁入该地,人地生产矛盾愈发严重,导致该地屡有劫掠事件发生。至道光朝升级为几次大规模“边患”。成都将军作为彼时统领该地的最高军事长官,通过武力镇压和拟定章程等举措参与到“边患”事件治理中。但碍于清廷未能解决问题之根本,加之受制于国力的式微、武备的废弛、官员的贪污懈怠等内在因素,诸多举措看似合理,实则加深了当地“边患”,并带来一系列恶劣的后续影响。 Records reveal that in the 41st year of the Qianlong period(1776)after the Qing court won the major and minor Jinchuan battles,it learned the lessons from previous administrations of ethnic minority areas in Sichuan,and established the position of Chengdu general to control the frontiers.This was one of the highest military and political position in Sichuan Province,and the governmental authority over the Sichuan border within the Yi area came later also under the jurisdiction of the Chengdu general.The essence of“border troubles”was actually caused by extremely wanting living conditions for local Han and Yi people caused by Yi slave owners in this area.In order to suppress the“border troubles”,many Chengdu generals went to the front line and commanded the officers and troops—composed of Han,Yi,Tibetan,and other brother ethnic groups—to temporarily quell the“border disturbances”and stabilize the living and economic conditions of local Han and Yi people to a certain extent.Moreover,they worked together with the Governor of Sichuan to draw up post-conflict regulations to keep the peace in these border areas.In hindsight,these measures seem reasonable,but the specific measuresactually failed to solve the reasons behind the“frontier problems”.First of all,the so-called law of the Qing administration to suppress and appease was indeed aimed at suppressing and punishing the rebels and then at appeasement with kindness.In fact,results show that after the bloody repression by the Qing court,the common people s living accommodations had been destroyed,yet they were strictly forbidden to seek a way out.In addition,excessive taxes made more people turn to looting.On the other hand,officers and soldiers who did not receive enough food and wages could not support themselves and had to take part in looting as well.In this way,the more the Qing authorities suppressed,the more local ethnic conflicts intensified,the more difficult people s lives became,and the more“frontier troubles”worsened.Secondly,the Qing government apparently was unable to grasp the essence of the problem and thus only tried to weather the storm by separating various ethnicities by artificial means.Such measures to restrict exchange and interaction between various ethnic groups,of course,could not achieve the goal of so-called“eternal peace”.Therefore,there were frequent incidents of local“barbarians”looting for their survival.From the previous also the inference can be drawn that the Qing court’s policies were not effective.In addition,to avoid punishment,civil and military officials in this area often exaggerated,whitewashed battle reports,and falsely reported credit,which made the reward and punishment clause useless.Finally,the“frontier incident”that happened in the Daoguang period fully exposes the governmental failures of the Qing court in this area.Due to the heavy costs of crackdown,the Qing regime adopted a strategy of bloody suppression and exploitation of the people in this region,which not only failed to solve the looting incident but also deepened ethnic conflicts;meanwhile,its constraints on the survival space of various ethnic peoples did not support a hoped-for historical development of ethnic unity and integration.Therefore,the“border troubles”continued until the Qing court collapsed,and could not be adequately addressed.The failure of the Qing court s management of frontier affairs also taught certain historical lessons for later generations to govern this area.
作者 吴艾坪 Wu Aiping(School of History and Culture,Sichuan University,Chengdu,610065,Sichuan,China)
出处 《民族学刊》 北大核心 2023年第2期143-149,166,共8页 Journal of Ethnology
基金 成都市哲社重点研究基地“成都历史与成都文献研究中心”2021年度重点课题项目“望重西南:清代成都将军治下四川研究”(CLWX21002) 2022年四川特色哲学社会科学规划项目重大项目“中华民族交流交往交融史料汇编·四川卷”(SC22ZL03)阶段性成果。
关键词 道光年间 成都将军 彝族聚居地 “边患” Daoguang reign Chengdu General the settlement of Yi ethnic group frontier troubles
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