
后冬奥时代我国冰雪运动产业高质量发展研究 被引量:9

High-Quality Development of Ice and Snow Sports Industry in China in the Post Winter Olympics Era
摘要 运用文献资料、专家访谈、实地调研等方法,剖析后冬奥时代我国冰雪运动产业高质量发展机遇、挑战,并提出相应路径。机遇:冬奥遗产持续惠民,巩固大众冰雪参与基础;冰雪消费提档升级,倒逼产品体系优化调整;数字技术加速赋能,驱动冰雪企业效率提升;冰雪融合趋势增强,创新冰雪运动产业发展方式。挑战:冰雪发展基础薄弱,制约产业现代能力提升;产品迭代速度加快,市场发展活力遭受冲击;冰雪文化扎根浅显,产业内生发展力量不足;国际局势复杂诡谲,冰雪发展面临外部制衡。高质量发展路径:构建现代冰雪运动产业体系,厚植中国式现代化冰雪发展基础;完善冰雪产品服务供给,稳定冰雪市场积极向好的基本盘;夯实现代冰雪文化根基,为市场可持续发展注入持久动力;积极参与全球冰雪建设,增强国际竞争力。 By using the methods of literature review,expert interview and fi eld research,this paper analyzed the opportunities and challenges for high-quality development of Chinese ice and snow sports industry in the post Winter Olympics era,and put forward the development path.Opportunities:The Winter Olympics heritage continues to benefit the people and consolidates the foundation of public participation in ice and snow industry;The upgrading of ice and snow industry consumption has forced the optimization and adjustment of the product system;The accelerated enabling digital technology has driven the effi ciency of ice and snow enterprises;The strengthened trend of ice and snow integration has innovated the development mode of the ice and snow sports industry.Challenges:The weak foundation of ice and snow industry development has hindered the improvement of modern industrial capabilities,the speed accelerating of product iteration has impacted the vitality of market development,the shallow root of ice and snow culture has induced insufficient endogenous development force of the ice and snow industry,and the complex and treacherous international situation has caused external checks and balances of ice and snow industry development.High quality development paths:We should build a modern ice and snow sports industry system and lay a solid foundation for Chinese modern ice and snow development,improve the supply of ice and snow products and services to stabilize the positive fundamentals of the ice and snow market,consolidate the foundation of the modern ice culture to inject lasting impetus into the sustainable development of the market,and actively participate in the construction of global ice and snow industry to enhance China's competitiveness in the international landscape.
作者 刘花香 LIU Hua-xiang(School of Physical Education,Hangzhou Normal University,Hangzhou 311121,China;China Tourism Academy,Beijing 100005,China)
出处 《体育文化导刊》 北大核心 2023年第6期82-88,共7页 Sports Culture Guide
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目(20CTY002) 杭州师范大学校级自主研究课题(KYQD—2021—089)。
关键词 体育经济 冰雪运动产业 高质量发展 后冬奥时代 sports economics ice and snow sports industry high-quality development post Winter Olympics era
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