

The Combination of Semantic Semes and Thymic Semes:A Discussion of Impassioned Object and its Structural Constitution
摘要 叙事的激情意义效果是激情主体、激情对象(价值客体)及其相互关系共同建构的产物。主体是激情意义的发送者,客体是意义的接收者,客体承载了源自主体的意义和价值,激情客体的构成是格雷马斯激情符号学重点关注的问题之一。格雷马斯对客体问题的切入点是语言学,他将语言学的研究对象“词位”作为叙事客体的分析模型,从而将词位描写的“义素分析法”扩展到叙事分析中。义素用来描写词位的性质,其本身可以作为一种抽象的性质自在存在;但价值必然由主体赋予,它不能脱离主体而存在。格雷马斯抽象出兼具语义-心理特质的“心境义素”(sèmes thymiques),这是通过人的本己身体直接感知到的生命意义,既是一种特殊的义素类型,也是与主体相联系的价值概念。将抽象的语义义素与“心境义素”复合起来,原先孤立存在的语义义素便成为与主体相关联的“价值观价值(valeurs axiologiques)”。因此,激情对象所承载的价值便是复合了语义义素和心境义素的“价值观价值”,对激情对象的分析也就可以通过对“价值观价值”作结构分析而实现,本文着重分析了这一研究方法的展开路径和学理依据。 A passional meaning effect of narrative discourse is the product of the joint integration of the impassioned subject,impassioned object(i.e.the object of value)and their interrelationship.The subject is the sender of the passional meaning effect,and the object is its receiver and carries the signification and value sent by the subject.The constitution of the impassioned object is one of the main focuses of A.J.Greimas'semiotics of passions.Greimas approaches the problem of object from the perspective of linguistics.He takes the language object“lexeme”as the analyzing model of narrative objects,so as to apply the“semic analysis”to narrative analysis.Semes,which can exist on their own as an abstract nature,are used to describe the properties of lexemes.However,the value is necessarily given by the subject,and cannot exist apart from the subject.Greimas abstracts from the semic categories a kind of“thymic seme”,which denotes the meaning of life perceived by a human's own body.“Thymic seme”is both a specific kind of seme and a concept of value associated with the subject.By combining the abstract semantic seme with the"thymic seme",the previously isolated semantic semes become"axiological values"in association with the subject.The value invested in the passional object is actually the"axiological value"that combines semantic semes and thymic semes.Therefore,the analysis of the passional object can be realized through the structural analysis of the"axiological values".Discussing such methodology's analytic process and theoretical basis is the purpose of this paper.
作者 屠友祥 侯明珠 TU Youxiang;HOU Mingzhu
出处 《中国政法大学学报》 2023年第3期262-282,共21页 Journal Of CUPL
基金 国家社科基金项目“重建符号学基本原理视域下的符号否定性与本体论研究”(17BZW003) 教育部人文社科重点基地重大项目“普通符号学与生态符号学研究”(16JJD740014)的阶段性研究成果。
关键词 激情符号学 激情客体 价值 心境义素 价值观价值 semiotics of passions impassioned object value thymic seme axiological value
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