

Application of infusion process reengineering based on intelligent settlement and logistics information system in emergency department
摘要 目的优化急诊输液流程,为患者提供高效、舒适、安全的输液服务。方法依托智慧结算与物流信息平台,对患者支付与药品传输环节进行优化,再造急诊输液流程。采用便利抽样法,选取浙江省某三级甲等医院2021年5月—7月急诊就诊高峰期输液患者为对照组,采用传统输液流程;2021年8月—10月急诊就诊高峰期输液患者为试验组,采用再造后的输液流程。收集并比较两组输液等待时间、皮试开始至用药时间、药物毁损率、患者满意度的差异。结果共纳入236例急诊输液患者,试验组121例,对照组115例,试验组输液等待时间为18.0(13.0,23.0)min,较对照组29.0(19.0,49.0)min明显缩短(Z=-6.889,P<0.001);试验组皮试等待时间为(36.32±6.31)min,较对照组(55.50±5.72)min缩短(t=-9.674,P<0.001);试验组无药物毁损发生,对照组发生5例(4.35%);试验组患者满意度为93.4%,高于对照组73.9%(χ^(2)=-7.197,P<0.001)。结论基于智慧结算与物流信息系统再造急诊输液流程有助于缩短患者输液等待时间,保证输液用药安全,提高患者满意度。 Objective To optimize the emergency infusion process and provide patients with efficient,comfortable and safe infusion services.Methods We optimized patient payment and delivery of medication process to reconstruct the emergency infusion process based on intelligent settlement system and hospital logistics information system.The convenience sampling method was used to select the infusion patients in the peak period of emergency treatment of a tertiary class A general hospital in Zhejiang Province from May to July 2021 as the control group,and the infusion patients in the peak period of emergency treatment from August to October 2021 as the experimental group.The experimental group adopted the reconstructed infusion process.Collect and compare the waiting time for infusion,the time from the beginning of skin test to medication,drug damage rate,and patient satisfaction between the two groups.Results A total of 236 emergency infusion patients were included in this study,including 121 patients in the experimental group and 115 patients in the control group.The time from the doctor's prescription to the patient's infusion puncture in the experimental group was 18.0(13.0,23.0)min,which was significantly shorter than that in the control group 29.0(19.0,49.0)min(Z=-6.889,P<0.001).The time from the beginning of skin test to the application of medication in the experimental group was(36.32±6.31)min,which was shorter than that in the control group(55.50±5.72)min(t=-9.674,P<0.001).No drug damage occurred in the experimental group.The satisfaction of patients in the experimental group was 93.4%,higher than that in the control group(Z=-7.197,P<0.001).Conclusion Emergency infusion process reengineering shortened the waiting time of patients for infusion,ensured the safety of infusion medication,and improved patient satisfaction.
作者 张金秋 沈秀兰 汪利萍 周志英 ZHANG Jinqiu;SHEN Xiulan;WANG Liping;ZHOU Zhiying
出处 《中华急危重症护理杂志》 CSCD 2023年第6期493-497,共5页 Chinese Journal of Emergency and Critical Care Nursing
关键词 急诊室 医院 输液 智慧结算 物流信息系统 护理管理研究 Emergency Service,Hospital Transfusion Smart Settlement Logistics Information System Nursing Management Research
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