上海轨道交通2号线02A01型列车制动系统核心器件和零部件的老化失效,造成制动系统故障率呈逐步上升趋势,一旦制动系统发生故障,会导致列车限速运行、下线或5 min以上晚点故障,因此需研究该型列车制动系统改造方案。分析了2号线02A01型列车制动系统故障原因及其可能导致的后果,从制动电子控制单元、防滑保护功能和制动系统网络构架的升级改造等方面介绍了02A01型列车制动系统改造方案。列车制动系统性能试验结果表明,改造后的02A01型列车制动系统性能能够满足2号线运能提升的需求。同时,通过板卡集成和增加网络监控等优化措施,大大提升了后续维护的便利性。
The core components and parts of the braking system of Shanghai Rail Transit Line 202A01-type train are experiencing aging and failure,leading to an increasing trend in the system failure rate.Once the braking system fails,it can result in train speed restrictions,train offline situations,or delays of more than 5 minutes.Therefore,it is necessary to study a retrofit plan for this type train braking system.The causes and potential consequences of the braking system failures of Shanghai Rail Transit Line 202A01-type train are analyzed.The retrofit plan for the braking system is introduced from aspects including brake electronic control unit upgrade and modification,anti-skid protection function and braking system network architecture upgrade and modification.The performance test results of the modified 02A01-type train braking system demonstrate that it meets the requirements for enhancing the transportation capacity of Line 2.Additionally,optimization measures such as board integration and increased network monitoring significantly improve the convenience of subsequent maintenance.
CHEN Jia(Vehicle Branch of Shanghai Metro Maintenance Support Co.,Ltd.,200237,Shanghai,China)
Urban Mass Transit