

Tracing Gustavo Giovannoni’s Theory and Practice of Urban Conservation
摘要 古斯塔沃·乔万诺尼是20世纪上半叶意大利建筑学、历史保护和城市规划领域的关键人物之一,对国际遗产保护领域也有重要影响。文章结合乔万诺尼的主要理论著作及学界相关研究文献,梳理乔万诺尼的城市保护思想的形成背景、理论内涵及相关实践。20世纪初期现代化建设给意大利历史城市带来破坏,乔万诺尼本人工程技术与艺术相结合的专业经历是其城市保护思想产生的先决条件。乔万诺尼意识到历史城市具备有机体的属性,强调在城市更新中应尊重环境和保护“次要建筑”,针对老城更新制定了“抽疏”的设计策略,将历史保护由建筑单体扩展到城市区域,并在罗马的老城区保护规划实践中做出有益的探索。最后,文章试图阐明乔万诺尼城市保护理论给当下的历史城市保护更新实践带来的反思与启示。 Gustavo Giovannoni(1873–1947)is one of the key figures in the fields of architecture,conservation,and urban planning in Italy in the first half of the 20th century,and has an international influence on heritage conservation.This article examines the contexts,connotations,and relevant practices of Giovannoni’s urban conservation theory by combining his major theoretical works with related literature.Giovannoni’s urban conservation theory originated from his professional experience in civil engineering and art history,and responded to the destructive modernisation of Italy’s historic cities in the early 20th century.Having recognised the organic nature of historic cities,Giovannoni emphasised the respect for the ambiente(settings)and the conservation of architettura minore(minor architecture)during the urban renewal process.He further developed the theory of diradamento(selective clearing)for the renewal of historic cities,which expanded the scope of historic conservation from individual monuments to the entire urban area,and conducted conservation planning practices in the historic centre of Rome.This article demonstrates that Giovannoni’s urban conservation theory and practice are reflective and enlightening for the conservation and regeneration of historic cities nowadays.
作者 程晓梅 张松 Cheng Xiaomei;Zhang Song(College of Architecture and Urban Planning,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092)
出处 《建筑遗产》 2023年第1期58-64,共7页 Heritage Architecture
基金 国家自然科学基金(51778428)。
关键词 城市保护 次要建筑 抽疏 周边环境 urban conservation architettura minore(minor architecture) diradamento(selective clearing) ambiente(settings)
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