The convex PBW-type Lyndon basis for two-parameter quantum group U_(r,s)(F_(4))is given.Assume thatrs^(-1)is a primitive l-th root of unity with l odd,then the restricted quantum group u_(r,s)(F_(4))as a quotient of U_(r,s)(F_(4))is pointed,and of a Drinfel’d double structure under a certain condition.All of Hopf isomorphisms of u_(r,s)(F_(4))are determined,and the necessary and sufficient condition for u_(r,s)(F_(4))to be a ribbon Hopf algebra is singled out by describing the left and right integrals.
Nai Hong Hu is supported by the NNSF of China(Grant Nos.12171155,12071094)
in part by Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality(Grant No.22DZ2229014)。