

The Original Intention And The Modern Interpretation of Confucian Wen-Zhi Theory:Also on The Chinese Traditional View of Political View
摘要 文质问题是先秦儒家论述修齐治平之道的理论话语,自古异解纷呈,渐渐湮没了文质论所传达的道德生命意义之学的精髓。针对古今诠释的主要分歧,运用字学研究成果,结合先秦儒家教化哲学的基本精神,可以明了,文与质乃以自然之情为本的内外一体结构:质乃情之内诚,文乃情之外达。具体来说,“质”为诚敬之心,“文”乃合乎礼乐规范的行为方式。虽然情之内外合宜方为中道,但现实的情感发用却常有偏颇,逐渐形成了文质交迭之势。此势并非机械重复,而是以情为本、以中道为枢纽、以反为用的道德生活的基本作用机制。三代之前,圣君本此以治天下,自民情之偏而入,斟酌时宜、或文或质,务折中而合于中道,形成了充满仁性色彩的传统治道观。后人忽情重智,以器性思维看待文质论,故难达其说之奥义。 The topic of Wen-Zhi is the theoretical discourse of pre-Qin Confucianism on the interpretation of selfcultivation,home-regulation,country-governing and world-ruling.However,there are so many different opinions on account of lacking understanding of the logical relationship of the theory and the two concepts'connotation.So the essence of the moral life full of vitality is gradually obliterated.Aiming at the main differences of the WenZhi theory,using the research results of Chinese characters,and referring to the basic spirit of Pre-Qin Confucian enlightenment philosophy,we can determine that Wen and Zhi belong to a integration structure based on natural affections.Zhi is the honest affections,and Wen is the proper performance of the affection.Wen is hypocritical without Zhi,on the contrary,Zhi is easy to be improper without Wen.It should be noted that even thouth the commensuration of the two factors is the best,there is often bias in the actual emotional expression.In this process,it gradually forms a trend of alternation of Wen and Zhi.This trend is not mechanical repetition,but a trend that take the commensuration of the two factors as the hub and the reverse as medium.It maintains the moral life's endless vitality.The reason why the theory of Wen-Zhi has eternal theoretical value lies in that it profoundly reveals the basic logic of moral life,which roots in natural affection and uses in reverse.The sovereigns of Xia,Shang and Zhou and the dynasties before them used this theory to govern their country.According to the situation of the people,they adopted the policy of either Wen or Zhi to balance the deviation appearing in the country.Thus formed the traditional governance view full of benevolence.
作者 宁静贤 Ning Jingxian
出处 《孔子研究》 北大核心 2023年第3期149-155,160,共8页 Confucius Studies
基金 国家社科基金重点课题“先秦儒家‘意义—感通’的教化哲学研究”(项目编号:15AZX009)的阶段性成果。
关键词 情感 反复 治道 The Theory of Wen-Zhi The Trend of Alternation of Wen and Zhi Affection Moral Life Full of Vitality The Moral Life Using in Reverse Chinese Traditional Governance View Full of Benevolence
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