
中央环境规制、地方政企策略行为与污染企业全要素生产率 被引量:2

Central Environmental Regulation,Strategic Behaviors of Local Government and Enterprises and Total Factor Productivity of Polluting Enterprises
摘要 中央环境规制政策最终由地方政府监督、企业履行落实,意在使污染企业减少污染排放和技术创新。以“十一五”节能减排综合性工作方案为自然实验,以清洁企业为对照组、污染企业为实验组,从地方政企策略行为的视角,理论与实证分析中央环境规制政策通过减污效应和创新效应对污染企业全要素生产率的影响。研究表明:(1)中央环境规制使地方政府更有激励给予清洁企业以政府补贴和融资便利,而污染企业会采取减少产出、迁移、产品转换、退出市场等威胁性策略,迫使地方政府为其提供政府补贴和融资便利,以进行技术创新和污染治理。(2)与清洁企业相比,污染企业一方面因治污成本增加,导致全要素生产率下降,而另一方面因融资贷款用于研发创新生产更多新产品,提高了全要素生产率,最终使中央环境规制对污染企业全要素生产率的影响不显著。(3)异质性检验发现,中央环境规制仅提升了国有污染企业的全要素生产率,但降低了中部地区污染企业的全要素生产率。 Central environmental regulation policies,supervised by local governments and implemented by enterprises,are intended to enable polluting enterprises to reduce emissions and innovate.This study takes the“11th Five-Year Plan”for energy-saving and emissions-reduction as a natural experiment,with clean enterprises as the control group and polluters as the experimental group,to theoretically analyze and empirically test the impact of central environmental regulation policies on total factor productivity of polluting enterprises through pollution reduction effect and innovation effect from the perspective of strategic behaviors of local governments and enterprises.Results are as follows.(1)Central environmental regulation motivates local governments to provide government subsidies and financing facilities to clean enterprises.Polluting enterprises will adopt threatening strategies such as output reduction,relocation,product conversion and withdrawal from the market,forcing local governments to provide government subsidies and financing facilities for technological innovation and pollution control.(2)Compared with clean enterprises,on the one hand,the total factor productivity of polluting enterprises decreases due to the increase of pollution control costs,and on the other hand,the total factor productivity is improved due to the financing loans used for R&D and innovation to produce more new products.Finally,the impact of central environmental regulation on the total factor productivity of polluting enterprises is not significant.(3)Heterogeneity test shows that central environmental regulation only improves the total factor productivity of state-owned polluting enterprises,but reduces the total factor productivity of polluting enterprises in central China.
作者 周瑞辉 杨新梅 刘耀彬 ZHOU Ruihui;YANG Xinmei;LIU Yaobin(College of Finance and Information,Ningbo University of Finance and Economics,Ningbo Zhejiang 315175,China;School of Economics and Management,Nanchang University,Nanchang Jiangxi 330031,China)
出处 《北京理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第4期65-82,共18页 Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology:Social Sciences Edition
基金 宁波市哲学社会科学规划课题“基于人与自然和谐共生的宁波市绿色发展水平提升路径研究”(G2022-15-26)。
关键词 节能减排综合性工作方案 地方政企策略行为 全要素生产率 影响机制 异质性检验 comprehensive work plan for energy conservation and emission reduction strategic behavior of local governments and enterprises total factor productivity influence mechanism heterogeneity test
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