
乡村振兴背景下我国城乡交流政策的演进及评价 被引量:1

The Evolution and Evaluation of the Urban-rural ExchangePolicy under the Background of Rural Revitalization
摘要 21世纪以来,我国城乡政策经历了“城乡统筹战略”“社会主义新农村建设”和“乡村振兴战略”三个阶段的演进,始终将城乡交流作为乡村社会摆脱衰退、实现振兴的关键。21世纪初期,城乡统筹被列入“五大统筹”之首,成为科学发展观的核心内容。在社会主义新农村建设阶段,城乡统筹原则被具体化,切实提升了乡村与城市交流的基准和条件。而进入乡村振兴阶段后,在将乡村振兴置于国家战略高度的前提下,国家通过庞大的政策群,建构起城乡交流的政策体系。城乡交流主体由单一到多元。国家通过政策创新实现城乡交流的条件积累,建立起包括人才、土地、资本等在内的城乡要素的双向流动机制,为乡村振兴注入新动能。“城乡交流”获得新的战略定位并被充分展开。同时,重视乡村振兴战略与脱贫攻坚战略相衔接,建立起城乡间相互援助体系。但长期以来较为突出的发展落差导致城乡关系错综复杂,因此我国城乡交流政策依然存在较大的政策调整和提升空间。 Since the 21st century,China s urban and rural policies have experienced three stages of evolution from“urban-rural integration strategy”,and“new socialist rural construction”to“rural revitalization strategy”.The urban-rural exchanges have always been regarded as the key for rural society to get rid of recession and realize revitalization.In the early 21st century,the urban-rural integration strategy was listed as the first of the five major integrations and became the core of the Scientific Outlook on Development.In the construction stage of the new socialist countryside,the principle of urban and rural integration planning has been concretized and effectively improved the standard and conditions of rural and urban communication.Entering the stage of rural revitalization,under the premise of placing rural revitalization at the national strategic height,China constructs the policy system of urban-rural exchange through a huge policy group.The main body of urban and rural exchanges has changed from single to multiple.The state has accumulated conditions for urban-rural exchanges through policy innovation and established a two-way flow mechanism of urban-rural factors including talents,land,capital and other factors to provide new impetus into rural revitalization.The rural-urban exchange has also gained a new strategic position and been fully developed.At the same time,we should integrate the rural revitalization strategy with the poverty alleviation strategy and establish a system of mutual assistance between urban and rural.However,the prominent development gap between urban and rural areas leads to the intricate relationship between urban and rural areas for a long time.Therefore,there is still a great deal of policy adjustment and improvement space in urban-rural exchange policy.
作者 田毅鹏 于涵 TIAN Yipeng;YU Han
出处 《中国农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2023年第3期34-47,共14页 Journal of China Agricultural University;Social Sciences
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“东亚乡村振兴的社会政策比较研究”(18ZDA119)。
关键词 乡村振兴 城乡交流政策 城乡统筹 新农村建设 Rural revitalization Urban-rural exchange policy Urban-rural integration New rural construction
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