

Current Situation and Development of Structural Design in Building Engineering
摘要 自改革开放后,我国社会各行各业都发生了天翻地覆的变化,其深刻的变化使得我国经济实现了历史性的飞跃。经济在快速增长的同时,随之也提高了人们的生活水平与质量,而建筑业与人民群众的生活与生产都有着直接的联系,因此建筑工程结构的质量也越来越被社会各界所关注,并且积极主动投身到建筑行业的设计工作中去。建筑工程结构设计是保障建筑工程整体质量以及后期投入使用安全的重要前提,因建筑工程项目本身自有的复杂性与系统性,以及施工现场地质环境、气候环境等外界因素的作用都会对工程的结构设计带来一定程度上的影响,所以要做好建筑工程结构设计的质量管理工作。现代人民群众对于建筑功能的需求相较于过去更加多样,要求建筑工程除了确保安全性以外,还需要有经济性、耐久性以及环保性等方面的特征,而这些需求都可以通过建筑工程结构的设计工作进一步来实现,因此必须要加强建筑工程结构设计的规范性与可靠性,从而确保建筑工程项目的建设质量达到人们对建筑行业提出的新要求。基于此,文章就建筑工程结构设计现状问题进行具体分析,进而制定出相应的措施来推动我国建筑行业的蓬勃发展。 Since the reform and opening up,various industries in China have undergone tremendous changes,and their profound changes have led to a historic leap in Chinese economy.While the economy is rapidly increasing production,it has also improved people's living standards and quality.The construction industry has a direct connection with the lives and production of the people,so the quality of construction engineering structures is increasingly being paid attention to by all sectors of society,and actively participate in the design work of the construction industry.The structural design of building engineering is an important prerequisite for ensuring the overall quality of the construction project and the safety of its later use.Due to the complexity and systematicity of the construction project itself,as well as the external factors such as the geological environment and climate environment of the construction site,the structural design of the project will be affected to a certain extent.Therefore,it is necessary to do a good job in the quality management of the structural design of building engineering.The demands of modern people for building functions are more diverse than in the past.In addition to ensuring safety,construction projects also need to have characteristics such as economy,durability,and environmental protection.These demands can be further realized through the design work of building engineering structures.Therefore,it is necessary to strengthen the standardization and reliability of building engineering structural design,so as to ensure that the construction quality of construction projects meets the new requirements put forward by people for the construction industry.Based on this,the article conducts a specific analysis of the current situation of structural design in construction engineering,and then formulates corresponding measures to promote the vigorous development of Chinese construction industry.
作者 施律 柴刚峰 SHI Lv;CHAI Gangfeng(Zhoushan Fangzheng Testing Technology Co.,Ltd.,Zhoushan,Zhejiang,316000,China)
出处 《智能城市应用》 2023年第5期123-125,共3页 Smart City Application
关键词 建筑工程 结构设计 现状 发展 construction engineering structural design current situation development
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