

A Study on the Outlawry in the 13th Century England
摘要 13世纪前,英格兰逐出法外是一种严惩暴力犯罪的地方惯例。它主要用于剥夺犯下严重罪行的逃犯受王国法律保护的权利。到13世纪,为应对此时大量罪犯出逃而不出庭接受审判的困境,这一地方惯例逐渐转变为一种强迫逃犯出庭的王室司法程序。这种转变一方面体现了英格兰王权在司法实践上对地方社会的倚重,即王廷仍然选择让郡法庭判决逐出法外;另一方面,英格兰王权并未真正地放弃对逐出法外的控制,通过总巡回法庭和复于法内程序一直对其施加影响,从而尽可能地控制和稳定地方社会。13世纪英格兰逐出法外的新发展体现了英格兰王权和地方社会在维持法律效力和社会秩序方面的相互制衡关系。 The outlawry in England was a local custom of severely punishing violent crimes before the 13th century.It was mainly used to deprive fugitives who had committed serious crimes of their rights to protection of the kingdom’s laws.By the 13th century,in response to the plight of a large number of criminals fleeing without appearing in court for trial,this local custom gradually transformed into a royal judicial procedure that forced fugitives to appear in the court.On the one hand,this transformation reflected the reliance of the English Crown on local society in judicial practice,that is,the royal court still chose to have the county court ruling the outlawry;the English Crown,on the other hand,did not truly relinquish his control over it,and continued to exert influence over it through the Eyres and the Inlawry,in order to control and stabilize the local society as much as possible.The new development of the outlawry in the 13th century England reflected the mutual checks and balances between the crown and the local society in maintaining legal effectiveness and social order.
作者 戴瑶玲 DAI Yaoling
出处 《经济社会史评论》 2023年第2期98-112,128,共16页 Economic and Social History Review
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