

Research on Caching Mechanism of CCN Routing
摘要 CCN网络通过待定请求表(Pending Interest Table,PIT)请求源端数据是一个零散的过程,对于首次访问的所有数据必然会带来峰值带宽问题,基于此场景提出一种内容存储(Content Store,CS)数据模型,包括频繁度模型、支持度模型、置信度模型和关联度模型,通过该模型在网络空闲状态下提前在对应路由器设备上来预存储原始数据的关联数据,从而实现精准化预缓存网络数据。仿真实验结果表明,此机制可以实现节省网络带宽,有效降低网络拥塞的目的。 CCN network requests source data through Pending Interest Table is a fragmented process.All data accessed for the first time will inevitably bring peak bandwidth problems.Based on this scenario,a Content Store data model is proposed,including frequency model,support model,confidence model and correlation model,Through this model,the associated data of the original data is pre-stored on the corresponding router device in advance when the network is idle,so as to achieve accurate pre-cache of network data.The simulation experimental results show that this mechanism can achieve the goal of saving network bandwidth and effectively reducing network congestion.
作者 汤红 李涛 宋哲 TANG Hong;LI Tao;SONG Zhe(ZTE Nanjing R&D Center,Nanjing 210012,China;Purple Mountain Laboratories,Nanjing 211111,China;Yancheng Branch of China Mobile Communications Corporation,Yancheng 224399,China)
出处 《现代信息科技》 2023年第12期78-80,84,共4页 Modern Information Technology
关键词 预缓存 置信度模型 缓存老化 关联度模型 precache confidence model cache aging correlation model
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