

The Transfer of Accuracy and Presence: A Study of Rural Social Relations in the Evolution of Water Distribution
摘要 水分配作为乡村社会关系的重要载体,勾连着个体成员与乡村社区间的交往互动,基于滇西北地区WM村水分配实践,深入探究水分配嬗变中动态的社会关系。研究发现,精准性与在场性是水分配运行的两大核心要素,精准性凭借精确的时间单元格,生成成员行动的确定性与规范性,通过长期生产实践一般化为确定性与规范性,并最终构成乡村伦理规制的基础;在场性则以乡村社区成员身体为物质载体,端赖于身体参与实践,培育出共同体意识,进而生成乡村共同体社会组织体系。乡村伦理规制构成乡村社会的价值尺度和规范体系,而乡村共同体社会组织体系则构建了共同体组织互动网络,在两者共同作用下维护乡村共同体的稳定。市场经济下的理性选择与行政力量介入是水分配嬗变的两大诱因,市场经济下的理性选择导致水分配与土地之间的联系松动,降低了水分配的必要性;行政力量介入则意味着行政权力的干预直接破坏了村庄的自主性和“自我”需要的原则,动摇了水分配的民间社会基础。伴随劳动力身体与土地的长时间分离,附着于土地上的规范性明显弱化,水分配中的精准性被削弱、在场性模糊化,致使乡村共同体基础受到冲击。在乡村振兴背景下,处理好年轻人身体与场的关系是精准性现代重建的关键。 As an important carrier of rural social relations,water distribution links the interaction between individual members and rural communities.This study is based on the practice of water distribution in WM villages in the northwest region of Yunnan,and delves into the dynamic social relationships in the evolution of water distribution.Research has found that accuracy and presence are the two core elements of water distribution operation.Accuracy relies on precise time cells to generate certainty and standardization of member actions,which are generalized into certainty and standardization through long-term production practice,and ultimately form the foundation of rural ethical regulations.Presence,on the other hand,takes the bodies of rural community members as the material carrier,relying on their physical participation in practice to cultivate a sense of community and ultimately generate a social organizational system for rural communities.The regulation of rural ethics constitutes the value scale and normative system of rural society,while the social organization system of rural communities constructs an interactive network of community organizations,which under the joint action of the two,maintains the stability of rural communities.The rational choice under the market economy and the intervention of administrative forces are the two major incentives for the evolution of water distribution.The rational choice under the market economy leads to the loose connection between water distribution and land,reducing the necessity of water distribution.The intervention of administrative power means that the intervention of administrative power directly damages the autonomy and“self”needs principle of villages,and shakes the civil society foundation of water distribution.With the long-term separation of the labor force and the land,the standardization attached to the land is significantly weakened,the accuracy in water allocation is weakened,and the presence is blurred,resulting in the impact on the foundation of rural communities.[JP2]In the context of rural revitalization,handling the relationship between young people’s bodies and fields is the key to accuracy modern reconstruction.
作者 王毅杰 孟皓 WANG Yijie;MENG Hao(School of Public Administration,Hohai University,Nanjing 211100,China)
出处 《河海大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2023年第3期57-67,共11页 Journal of Hohai University:Philosophy and Social Sciences
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(17BSH042)。
关键词 精准性 在场性 水分配嬗变 身体实践 乡村社会关系 accuracy presence evolution of water distribution physical practice rural social relations
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