

The Knightly Martial Arts of the Late Middle Ages——Analysis of Italian Martial Arts Literature The Flower of Battle
摘要 Fior di Battaglia,中文译名《战斗之花》,是一部约完成于15世纪初期的武学文献,作者为意大利武师菲奥雷。这部著作全面系统地讲述了中世纪晚期的骑士格斗术,涵盖了徒手格斗以及长剑、战斧、矛、匕首等兵器格斗技,包括马上步下、有甲无甲等各种战斗形式。这部著作透露很多骑士的战斗细节,是研究欧洲中世纪的骑士武艺绕不开的历史文献。文章依据保罗·盖蒂博物馆收藏的《战斗之花》手稿,并参考科林·哈彻尔的英文译本,对其进行解读分析,中世纪晚期的骑士武艺是一个全面而有层次的体系,为适应不同的战斗环境,骑士需要熟练掌握各种战斗技能。若与中国传统武术进行比较,也可以发现二者的诸多相通之处。 Fior di Battaglia(The Flower of Battle)is a martial arts document written around the beginning of the 15th century by the Italian martial artist Fiore.This book is a comprehensive and systematic account of the chivalry fighting in the late Middle Ages,covering unarmed combat,sword,axe,spear,dagger and other weapon-fighting techniques,including dismounted combat and mounted.This book reveals a lot of details about knights'battles,which is an inescapable historical literature for the study of knights'martial arts in the Middle Ages of Europe.In recent years,The Flower of Battle has drawn many researchers'attention,and has been translated into English.There are even many U.S.and European fencing enthusiasts trying to recover lost knight grapple skills according to the text for many years.Unfortunately,there is not much research on western knight martial arts in China at present,and few Chinese scholars mention this literature.Based on the manuscript of the Flower of Battle collected in J.Paul Getty Museum and the English translation by Colin Hatcher,it is not difficult to find that the Knightly Martial Arts of the late Middle Ages is a comprehensive and hierarchical system.In order to adapt to different combat environments,knights need to master various combat skills.If compared with Chinese traditional martial arts,we can also find many similarities between them.
作者 于泳涛 YU Yongtao(Chengdu Sport University,Chengdu Sichuan 610041)
机构地区 成都体育学院
出处 《成都体育学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第3期129-135,共7页 Journal of Chengdu Sport University
关键词 欧洲 骑士 武术 传统武术 欧洲历史武术 Europe knight martial arts traditional martial arts European historical martial arts
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