
我国与亚太新兴经济体数字贸易合作的思考 被引量:2

Reflection on Digital Trade Cooperation Between China and Emerging Economies in the Asia-Pacific Region
摘要 近年来,亚太新兴经济体数字贸易发展成效显著,已成为平衡中美在亚太地区经贸博弈的关键力量,我国与亚太新兴经济体数字贸易合作将对重塑亚太乃至世界经贸格局有着深远影响。文章从我国与亚太新兴经济体数字贸易合作现状出发,分析了亚太新兴经济体数字产业发展需求和我国数字产业优势,发现我国与亚太新兴经济体在跨境电商和数字新业态领域存在广阔的合作空间。同时,通过对亚太新兴经济体对外签订数字贸易条款的覆盖率和法定承诺率进行测算,发现亚太新兴经济体的数字贸易协定数量以及条款质量逐渐赶超我国,给我国与其数字贸易合作带来诸多挑战。为此,从多层次增进数字贸易合作共识、以协定整合及规则对接构建数字贸易合作制度性安排、以发展需求为导向深化数字产业合作、打通数字贸易合作的数据流动通道等方面提出了促进我国与亚太新兴经济体数字贸易合作的对策建议。 In recent years,emerging economies in the Asia-Pacific region have achieved remarkable results in digital trade development,and have become key forces in balancing the economic and trade game between China and the United States in the Asia-Pacific region.The digital trade cooperation between China and emerging economies in the Asia-Pacific region will have a profound impact on reshaping the economic and trade landscape in the Asia-Pacific region and even the world.Based on the current situation of digital trade cooperation between China and emerging economies in the Asia-Pacific region,this paper analyzes the development needs of digital industry in emerging economies and the advantages of China’s digital industry and finds that there is a broad cooperation space between China and emerging economies in the field of cross-border e-commerce and new digital business forms.At the same time,this paper calculates the coverage rate and statutory commitment rate of digital trade clauses signed by emerging economies in the Asia-Pacific region,and the results show that the number of digital trade agreements and quality of digital trade clauses of emerging economies in the Asia-Pacific gradually surpass China,bringing many challenges to China's digital trade cooperation with them.Therefore,this paper proposes some countermeasures and suggestions to promote digital trade cooperation between China and emerging economies in the Asia-Pacific region from various aspects:enhancing the consensus on digital trade cooperation at multiple levels,establishing institutional arrangements for digital trade cooperation through agreement integration and rule docking,deepening digital industry cooperation guided by development needs,and opening up data flow channels for digital trade cooperation.
作者 孙玉琴 任燕 SUN Yuqin;REN Yan(University of International Business and Economics)
出处 《国际贸易》 北大核心 2023年第6期25-35,共11页 Intertrade
基金 国家社科基金项目“‘丝绸之路经济带’沿线国家基础设施建设与贸易便利化的经济增长效应研究”(17BGL060)的阶段性成果。
关键词 亚太新兴经济体 数字贸易合作 数字贸易规则 emerging economies in the Asia-Pacific region digital trade cooperation digital trade rules
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