
风险社会中金融秩序重塑的系统哲学分析——兼论央行数字货币DC/EP的实践价值 被引量:1

A Systemic Philosophical Analysis of Financial Order Reshaping in a Risk Society——Also on the Practical Value of the Central Banks Digital Currency DC/EP
摘要 人类社会作为风险社会,是一个开放的、极度复杂的巨系统,其中的国民经济体系以及金融体系都存在一定的不确定性。而国家发行货币、建立金融体系,其目的是以组织体系的有序信息消除不确定性,推动金融市场稳定发展。然而从系统哲学的视阈来看,美元本位下的世界金融体系存在天然的缺陷。美国超发美元并将通货膨胀及其所代表的信息熵输出至其他国家,引发全球金融体系的熵增,导致全球经济陷入低潮。央行数字货币DC/EP作为主权货币与大数据、区块链技术相结合的产物,通过它不仅能够控制金融体系中信息熵的变化,还推动着中国金融体系数字化、信息化进程,带动着中国数字经济的发展,同时还为建立一个公平、合理的全球金融体系提供了技术方案。 Human society,as a risk society,is an open and extremely complex giant system,in which the national economic system as well as the financial system are subject to certain uncertainties.The purpose of the state issuing money and establishing financial system is to eliminate uncertainty and promote the stable development of financial market by organizing the orderly information of the system.However,from the perspective of system philosophy,the world financial system under the US dollar standard has natural defects.The US overissues the US dollar and exports inflation and the information entropy it represents to other countries,triggering the entropy increase of the global financial system and causing the global economy to fall into a downturn.As a product of combining sovereign currency with big data and blockchain technology,the central bank digital currency DC/EP can not only control the change of information entropy in the financial system,but also promote the process of digitization and informatization of China's financial system,drive the development of Chinas digital economy,and provide a technical solution to establish a fair and reasonable globalfinancial system.
作者 齐志远 高剑平 郗望 Qi Zhiyuan;Gao Jianping;Xi Wang(School of Marxism,Jiangsu University of Science and Technology,Zhenjiang 212003,China;School of Politics and Public Management,Guangxi Minzu University,Nanning 530006,China;China Railway Beijing Group Co.Ltd,Beijing 100891,China)
出处 《西北民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2023年第3期140-148,共9页 Journal of Northwest Minzu University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金西部项目“乡村振兴目标下滇黔桂民族地区共同富裕推进路径研究”(项目编号:22XKS001) 国家社科基金重大项目“中国特色社会主义道路、理论、制度、文化的科学”子课题三“中国特色社会主义制度研究”(项目编号:21&ZD013)。
关键词 风险社会 金融秩序 系统哲学 央行数字货币 DC/EP J risk society financial order system philosophy central bank digital currency DC/EP
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