
伪多边主义:欧盟参与气候变化治理的行为分析 被引量:1

Pseudo-Multilateralism:Analysis of EU’s Engagement in Climate Change Governance
摘要 一直以来,作为国际舞台上多边主义的倡导者和捍卫者,欧盟凭借雄心勃勃的议案成为气候治理领域的先锋,但也不乏与其主张相悖的政策出台。本文通过分析导致欧盟在气候变化治理领域形成伪多边主义的原因之后发现:目前,欧盟既不能采取完全的单边主义措施,也不甘于承担过重的治理成本,而采取了一种具有隐蔽性的成本转移方式。同时,伪多边主义面临着领导力合法性降低与治理成本过高的困境,欧盟试图在“维持气候治理领域领导者地位”与“利用该权力为自身赢得更多利益”之间保持平衡,以此来保全其现有地位与目标追求。 The EU has been the advocate and defender of multilateralism in the international arena,and it has become a pioneer in climate governance with ambitious proposals.Still,there is no shortage of policies that contradict its claims.By analyzing the causes of the EU’s“pseudo-multilateralism”in climate change governance,i.e.,the dual effect of the“leader”role of climate governance and the“free-riding”of other actors leads to the fact that the EU can neither take complete unilateralist measures nor bear the high cost of governance.Therefore,it has adopted a hidden cost-shifting approach.At the same time,“pseudo-multilateralism”faces the dilemma of reduced legitimacy of leadership and high cost of governance,and the EU tries to maintain a balance between“maintaining its position as a leader in climate governance”and“using that power to gain more benefits for itself”in order to maintain its current position and pursue its goals.
作者 邹雨佳 Zou Yujia(Regional and Country Comparative Diplomacy,Research Center of China Foreign Affairs University)
出处 《区域国别学刊》 2023年第3期118-137,159,共21页 COUNTRY AND AREA STUDIES
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“地缘政治风险预测的理论与方法研究”(项目编号:17ZDA110)的阶段性研究成果。
关键词 伪多边主义 欧盟 气候变化治理 碳关税 航空税 pseudo-multilateralism EU climate change governance role theory carbon tariff air tax
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