

Experience of Liu Qiquan in Treating Dry Eye from“Regulating the Five Zang-organs to Calm the Spleen and Stomach”Theory
摘要 刘启泉教授认为,干眼与五脏密切相关,感受邪气及脏腑功能失调会影响眼的功能,继而发为干眼,其病机可总结为:脾失健运、胃失和降是干眼发病的根本;肺失宣肃、肺阴不足是干眼的重要诱因;肾阳虚损、肾阴不足是干眼日久难愈的关键;肝阴不足、风热侵袭是干眼的重要致病因素;心失所养、心火上炎是干眼的主要病因。脾胃为后天之本,脾胃安则脏腑精气上承于目,反之则化源无权,目窍失濡,进而形成或加重干眼症状。临证在“安脾胃”的基础上采用“濡目”“滋目”“润目”“爽目”“养目”之法,可使五脏调和,精微充盈,目窍爽利,含精目明。 Professor Liu Qiquan believes that dry eye is closely related to the five zang-organs,that when the body feels pathogens and dysfunction of the viscera occurs will affect the function of the eye,and the develops into dry eye.The pathogenesis can be summarized as:dysfunction of the spleen in transportation and failure of stomach qi to descend are the root for the incidence of dry eye;impairment of the purifying and descending function of the lung,and lung yin deficiency are the important trigger of dry eye;kidney yang deficiency and kidney yin deficiency are the key to the difficulty in healing;liver yin deficiency and wind-heat attack are the important pathogenic factors of dry eye;heart deficiency and flaring of heart fire are the main causes of dry eye.Spleen and stomach as the postnatal foundation.If the spleen and stomach are healthy,the nutrients of the zang-organs can be transported upward;if the spleen and stomach are in the dysfunction,the nourishment is not produced,the eyes lose nutrients and it will cause dry eye.Therefore,the methods of“Ru Mu”“Zi Mu”“Run Mu”“Shuang Mu”“Yang Mu”are used in clinic based on the theory of“calm spleen and stomach”,which can achieve the purpose of harmony of five zang-organs and normal eye function.
作者 张乃霖 王斌 梁笑妍 曹桦 王雅倩 薛田雨 李星 吴春晓 刘启泉(指导) ZHANG Nailin;WANG Bin;LIANG Xiaoyan;CAO Hua;WANG Yaqian;XUE Tianyu;LI Xing;WU Chunxiao;LIU Qiquan(Hebei Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Shijiazhuang 050011,China;Hebei Key Laboratory of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine for Gastroenterology,Shijiazhuang 050011,China;Graduate College of Hebei College of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Shijiazhuang 050200,China;Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine,Guangzhou 510006,China)
出处 《中国中医药信息杂志》 CAS CSCD 2023年第7期182-185,共4页 Chinese Journal of Information on Traditional Chinese Medicine
基金 国家中医药管理局全国名中医传承工作室建设项目(2018年) 国家中医临床研究基地建设项目(2018年) 河北省中医药管理局科研计划项目(2023032)。
关键词 干眼 五脏相通 通调五脏安脾胃 名医经验 刘启泉 dry eye five zang-organs are related to each other regulating the five zang-organs to calm the spleen and stomach experience of famous doctors Liu Qiquan
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