
非洲猪瘟防控下生猪防疫检疫难点与对策 被引量:2

Difficulties and Countermeasures of Pig Epidemic Prevention and Quarantine under the New form of African Swine Fever Prevention and Control
摘要 非洲猪瘟是一种重大传染性疾病,是由非洲猪瘟病毒感染引发,可引发家猪和野猪发病感染,病毒传播速度相对较快,短时间内能造成整个猪发病发病之后。目前非洲猪瘟没有针对性的药物,发生流行之后只能进行扑杀无害化处理,我国将其划归为一类重大传染疾病,是当前威胁生猪养殖产业健康发展的重要疫病,如果防控措施不到位,将会对地区的生猪养殖业构成毁灭性的打击,严重影响猪肉制品的正常供给。在非洲猪瘟常态化防控背景下,严格落实生猪防疫检疫工作,能保证及时发现患病猪,及时处理患病猪,将非洲猪瘟疫情控制在萌芽阶段,避免造成严重的危害。该文探讨攀枝花米易县非洲猪瘟防控现状,论述非洲猪瘟防控形势下生猪防疫工作面临的难点,并提出工作措施。 African swine fever is a major infectious disease,caused by African swine fever virus infection,can cause domestic pigs and wild pigs infection,the virus spread relatively fast,can cause the whole pig population disease in a short time.At present,there is no targeted medicine for African swine fever,and it can only be eliminated and harmless treatment after epidemic.China classies African swine fever as a major infectious disease,which is an important blight threatening the healthy development of the pig breeding industry at present.If the prevention and control measures are not in place,it will constitute a devastating blow to the regional pig breeding industry and seriously affect the normal supply of pork products.Under the background of regular prevention and control of African swine fever,strict implementation of pig epidemic prevention and quarantine can ensure timely detection of sick pigs,timely treatment of sick pigs,control the outbreak of African swine fever in the embryonic stage and avoid serious harm.This paper first discusses the current situation of African swine fever prevention and control in Miyi County of Panzhihua,and then discusses the difficulties faced by swine epidemic prevention under the situation of African swine fever prevention and control,and puts forward the working measures.
作者 李海 LI Hai(Agricultural and Rural Service Center of the People's Government of Bingu Town,Miyi County,Panzhihua City,Panzhihua Sichuan 617000,China)
出处 《畜牧兽医科学(电子版)》 2022年第22期149-151,共3页 Graziery Veterinary Sciences:Electronic Version
关键词 非洲猪瘟 生猪防疫检疫 难点 对策 African swine fever pig epidemic prevention and quarantine Difficult point countermeasure
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