This work discusses the importance of monitoring and energy management of green energy resources in order to minimize the negative impacts of electricity generation by regular power plants.The paper introduces a highly efficient,low-cost rooftop photovoltaics(PV)solar panel system which can provide monitoring,controlling and automation.The proposed system is based on Internet of Things(IoT)and can be used to control different utilities in any premises automatically or set by the user-defined priority list,as compared to the existing IoT-based PV systems which can only perform monitoring and maintenance of the PV panels or only certain parameters,i.e.,temperature,dust,etc.This is a new step in improving the efficiency of IoT-based PV system where the facility loads are automated by the IoT network.The proposed system can also provide a constant feedback about different parameters,i.e.,voltage,dust,sun irradiance and humidity,etc.,via low-cost open-source platforms for telemonitoring and controlling purposes.The simulation results showthat the proposed system provides a high efficiency to energize the utilities and utilize the available energy as compared to the manual control.