
即兴教学的内涵阐释、价值澄明和实践建议 被引量:3

Connotation,Value and Strategy of Improwisat ional Teaching
摘要 即兴教学是在课堂教学过程中教师保持唤醒的情绪状态,在意料之外的教学境遇显现之际,即时构思并执行有一定创造性的教学行为,以拓展和实现学生的生命潜能。它是教学计划性与灵活性、结构性与即席性的统一,表现为解释性即兴、装饰性即兴和变异性即兴三种形式。关注即兴教学是回归教学原初特征,实现生成性资源教育意义和构建创新型课堂的需要。即兴教学的发生经历教学事件激活即兴脑神经网络、顿悟生成即兴教学创意并即席行为化、闭环交流修正即兴教学三个阶段。实施即兴教学要树立即兴教学意识,开展即兴教学培训,自觉投身即兴教学实践,落实即兴教学反思,提升即兴教学素养。 Improvisational teaching means that in classroom teaching,teachers conceive and implement certain creative teaching behaviors at unexpected teaching opportunities with aroused.emotions,so as to expand and realize students'potential.It has three forms:explanatory,decorative and variable.Focusing on improvisational teaching is the need to return to the original characteristics of teaching,realize the educational significance of generative resources and construct creative classroom.Improvisational teaching can be divided into three stages:activation of improvisational brain neural network by teaching,creation of improvisa tional teaching ideas that turn into action,and correction of improvisa tional teaching by closed-loop communication.To implement improvisational teaching,teachers should foster awareness,carry out training,implement practice,and strengthen competency.
作者 程建坤 方海霞 Cheng Jiankun;Fang Haixia
出处 《课程.教材.教法》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第6期62-68,159,共8页 Curriculum,Teaching Material and Method
基金 浙江省哲学社会科学规划课题“义务教育拓展性课程开发的浙江经验研究”(19NDJC064YB)。
关键词 即兴教学 教学事件 创造性教学 improvisational teac hing teaching event creative teaching
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