Today, many eye diseases jeopardize our everyday lives, such as Diabetic Retinopathy (DR), Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD), and Glaucoma.Glaucoma is an incurable and unavoidable eye disease that damages the vision ofoptic nerves and quality of life. Classification of Glaucoma has been an active fieldof research for the past ten years. Several approaches for Glaucoma classification areestablished, beginning with conventional segmentation methods and feature-extraction to deep-learning techniques such as Convolution Neural Networks (CNN). Incontrast, CNN classifies the input images directly using tuned parameters of convolution and pooling layers by extracting features. But, the volume of training datasetsdetermines the performance of the CNN;the model trained with small datasets,overfit issues arise. CNN has therefore developed with transfer learning. The primary aim of this study is to explore the potential of EfficientNet with transfer learning for the classification of Glaucoma. The performance of the current workcompares with other models, namely VGG16, InceptionV3, and Xception usingpublic datasets such as RIM-ONEV2 & V3, ORIGA, DRISHTI-GS1, HRF, andACRIMA. The dataset has split into training, validation, and testing with the ratioof 70:15:15. The assessment of the test dataset shows that the pre-trained EfficientNetB4 has achieved the highest performance value compared to other models listedabove. The proposed method achieved 99.38% accuracy and also better results forother metrics, such as sensitivity, specificity, precision, F1_score, Kappa score, andArea Under Curve (AUC) compared to other models.