
何种能力组态能够带来企业竞争优势?——动态环境下新创企业与成熟企业的比较 被引量:2

What Capability Configurations Can Form Enterprises’Competitive Advantage?—Comparison of Start-Ups and Mature Enterprises in Dynamic Environments
摘要 能力对企业生存和发展具有重要意义,一直是创业与战略管理领域的研究焦点。然而,现有研究对动态环境下新创企业与成熟企业如何运用能力形成企业竞争优势尚未达成共识。根据环境动态性和企业发展阶段将企业所处的情境划分为4种状态。基于能力组态视角,通过模糊集定性比较分析方法探究运营能力、动态能力、即兴能力在4种情境下对企业竞争优势的复杂影响机制。基于295份企业中高层管理者的调查问卷进行分析,结果显示:任一前因条件均不构成企业高竞争优势的必要条件,但是运营能力在形成企业竞争优势方面发挥普遍作用;双能力直接驱动型、即兴能力间接驱动型、即兴能力直接驱动型、动态能力间接驱动型、双能力间接驱动型5种类型能力组态产生企业高竞争优势;无论处于何种动态环境水平,新创企业和成熟企业能力组态均存在差异。研究结论对揭示动态环境下新创企业与成熟企业的高竞争优势的实现机制具有重要的理论和实践意义。 Capabilities are essential for the survival and growth of firms,and have been the focus of research in the field of entrepreneurship and strategic management.However,existing research has not reached a consensus on how start-ups and mature enterprises use their capabilities to form competitive advantage under the dynamic environments.According to the dynamic nature of the environment and the development stage of the firm,it categorized firm contexts into four stages.From the configuration perspective of capability,it used a fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis method to explore the complex influence mechanisms of operational capabilities,dynamic capabilities,and improvisational capabilities on the competitive advantage of enterprises under four contexts.Through the analyzing 295 questionnaires from middle and senior managers of enterprises,it obtained the following results.None of the antecedent conditions is necessary for high competitive advantage of enterprises,but operational capabilities play the general role in forming competitive advantage of enterprises.It identified five types of capability-driven routes to form high competitive advantages:dual-capability direct drive,improvisational capability indirect drive,improvisational capability direct drive,dynamic capability indirect drive and dual-capability indirect drive.There are differences in capability configurations between start-ups and mature enterprises regardless of the level of dynamic environment.The findings have important theoretical and practical implications for revealing the mechanisms of forming high competitive advantages of start-ups and mature enterprises in dynamic environments.
作者 马鸿佳 韩姝婷 陈欣 MA Hong-jia;HAN Shu-ting;CHEN Xin(School of Business and Management,Jilin University,Changchun 130012,China)
出处 《研究与发展管理》 北大核心 2023年第3期111-123,共13页 R&D Management
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目“新创企业惯例多层级动态模型及演化机理研究”(71972084) 国家自然科学基金重大项目“创新驱动创业的重大理论与实践问题研究”(72091310)课题一“数字经济下的创新驱动创业的基础理论”(72091315)。
关键词 运营能力 动态能力 即兴能力 企业竞争优势 模糊集定性比较分析(fsQCA) operational capability dynamic capability improvisational capability enterprise competitive advantage fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis(fsQCA)
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