

Research on Role of PDCA Cycle in Comprehensive Pilot Work of Hospital's Essential Drug System
摘要 目的:探讨PDCA循环对医院基本药物制度综合试点工作的作用。方法:2020年南京市溧水区中医院运用PDCA循环实践国家基本药物制度综合试点工作,通过比较2019年基本药物的使用数据,考核2020年的使用情况,评价基本药物试点工作的落实情况。结果:2019年南京市溧水区中医院国家基本药物品种配备占比为45.33%,销售金额占药品总销售金额的比例为28.54%。2020年上半年国家基本药物品种配备占比为46.46%,销售金额占比为27.99%。2020年下半年的销售金额逐月升高,全年基本药物配备品种占比为52.44%,销售金额占比为41.02%,基本达到国家基本药物制度综合试点工作的要求。结论:PDCA循环对医院基本药物制度综合试点工作具有促进作用。 Objective:To explore the effect of PDCA cycle in the comprehensive pilot work of hospital's essential drug system.Methods:In 2020,Nanjing Lishui District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine used the PDCA cycle to practice the comprehensive pilot work of the national essential drug system,and the implementation of the essential drug pilot work was evaluated by comparing to the use data of essential drugs in 2019 and assessing the use in 2020.Results:In 2019,the proportion of national essential drug varieties in Nanjing Lishui District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine was 45.33%,and the sales amount accounted for 28.54%of the total sales amount of drugs.In the first half of 2020,the proportion of national essential drug varieties in Nanjing Lishui District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine was 46.46%,and the sales amount accounted for 27.99%.In the second half of 2020,the sales amount increased month by month,and the proportion of essential drug varieties for the whole year was 52.44%,and the sales amount accounted for 41.02%,which basically met the requirements of the comprehensive pilot work of the national essential drug system.Conclusion:The PDCA cycle has a promotion effect in the comprehensive pilot work of the hospital's essential drug system.
作者 郭志花 徐荣 顾敏 Guo Zhi-hua;Xu Rong;Gu Min(Pharmacy Department,Nanjing Lishui District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Nanjing 211200,Jiangsu Province,China;Affiliated Hospital of Yangzhou University Medical College,Nanjing 211200,Jiangsu Province,China)
出处 《中国社区医师》 2023年第16期167-168,F0003,共3页 Chinese Community Doctors
关键词 PDCA循环 国家基本药物 试点工作 销售金额 合理用药 PDCA cycle National essential drugs Pilot work Sales amount Rational drug use
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