

Current Distribution and Conservation Strategy of Vatica guangxiensis(Dipterocarpaceae),A Rare and Endangered Species with Extremely Small Population
摘要 为掌握广西青梅种质资源现状及受威胁程度,结合文献资料及标本记录,野外调查其自然分布状况和迁地保护现状。结果显示:(1)广西青梅野外分布有11个居群,局限在云南省和广西壮族自治区,分布于云南省麻栗坡县有3个居群,且皆为首次发现;分布于云南省勐腊县有7个居群,其中有3个居群为新记录;分布于广西那坡县有1个居群。(2)广西青梅野外资源的分布区域狭窄,种群个体数量较少,个体总数量为521株,包括树高大于1.5 m的个体201株、幼苗幼树320株。那坡县分布有246株,包括树高大于1.5 m的个体42株(其中有3株大树,但只有1株母树)、幼苗和幼树204株;麻栗坡县分布有8株;勐腊县分布有267株,包括树高大于1.5 m的个体147株、幼苗幼树120株,是广西青梅分布最集中的地区。(3)天然分布于云南勐腊县和广西那坡县的广西青梅均在保护区内,得到较好的保护,但更新缓慢;而分布于云南麻栗坡县的广西青梅在自然保护区外,受人为活动影响较大,有4株是母树被砍伐后萌发的植株。(4)广西青梅的迁地保护以位于云南省西双版纳州勐腊县的版纳植物园和景洪市的普文林场的保护成效最好,能实现“种子到种子”的过程。(5)依据IUCN全球物种的评估标准,广西青梅应当评为濒危(EN)。因此,广西青梅需加强就地保护,结合人工种苗繁育,开展保护教育、野外种群重建、生态修复等迁地保护工作,以促进其种群更新、拓展种群的生存空间和范围,壮大其种群。 A field investigation was conducted to assess the current status of germplasm resources and the degree of threat to the rare and endangered species of Vatica guangxiensis.The investigation relied on literature data and specimen records for natural distribution and ex situ conservation purposes.The findings revealed the following:(1)V.guangxiensis is distributed among 11 wild populations in Yunnan Province and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.Among these populations,three were discovered in Malipo County,Yunnan Province(the first findings),seven were found in Mengla County(including three new records),and one population was observed in Napo County,Guangxi.(2)The species has a narrow distribution range in the wild,with a small number of individuals.The total count was 521,including 201 individuals over 1.5 meters tall and 320 young seedlings and saplings.Specifically,the population in Napo County,Guangxi,consisted of 246 individuals,including 42 trees over 1.5 meters tall(including three large trees)and one mother tree,with the remaining 204 individuals being seedlings and saplings.The three populations in Malipo contained eight plants,while the seven populations in Mengla County had a total of 267 individuals,including 147 trees over 1.5 meters tall and 120 seedlings and saplings,making it the most concentrated distribution region for V.guangxiensis.(3)Naturally distributed populations in Mengla County and Napo County were within protected areas and well-preserved,although natural regeneration was slow.In contrast,populations in Malipo were outside protected areas and significantly impacted by human activities,with four of them being regenerative individuals from previously felled mother trees.(4)The most successful ex situ conservation of V.guangxiensis has been achieved at Xishuangbanna Botanical Garden,CAS,Menglun town,Mengla County,and Puwen Forest Farm,YAFG,Puwen town,Jinghong city,Yunnan Province,enabling a complete“seed to seed”process.(5)Based on IUCN global species assessment criteria,V.guangxiensis should be classified as endangered(EN).Therefore,in situ and ex situ conservation efforts should be strengthened,including measures such as artificial seedling breeding,field population reconstruction,ecological restoration,and public education,to enhance population regeneration,expand habitat and range,and promote the development of V.guangxiensis populations.
作者 肖云学 何在新 苏启照 唐翔 黄国良 刘勐 郁文彬 唐建维 XIAO Yunxue;HE Zaixin;SU Qizhao;TANG Xiang;HUANG Guoliang;LIU Meng;YU Wenbin;TANG Jianwei(Horticultrue department of Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Mengla Yunnan 666303,P.R.China;Mengla Nature Reserve Service,Xishuangbanna Bureau of National Nature Reserve,Mengla Yunnan 666301,P.R.China;Menglun Nature Reserve Service,Xishuangbanna Bureau of National Nature Reserve,Mengla Yunnan 666303,P.R.China;Center for Integrative conservation,Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Mengla Yunnan 666303,P.R.China;CAS key laboratory of Tropical plnat resources and sustainable use,Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Mengla Yunnan 666303,P.R.China)
出处 《西部林业科学》 CAS 北大核心 2023年第3期1-7,共7页 Journal of West China Forestry Science
基金 云南省林业和草原局野生动植物保护项目(2022SJ07X-04) 西南地区极小种群野生植物调查与种质采集项目(2017FY100100) 中国生态环境部生物多样性调查与评估项目(2019HJ2096001006) 中国科学院战略生物资源项目(KFJ-BRP-007-005)。
关键词 广西青梅 野外调查 种质资源 濒危等级 迁地保护 保护策略 Vatica guangxiensis field investigation germplasm resources endangered classification ex situ conservation protection strategy
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