

Influence of Secondary Quenching on Mechanical Properties and Wear Resistance of NM450 Wear-resistant Steel
摘要 采用扫描电镜、能谱分析、力学性能测试等方法研究NM450耐磨钢经过860℃、880℃、900℃、920℃不同温度二次淬火后力学性能、微观组织和耐磨性能的变化规律。结果表明:880℃二次淬火得到的试样晶粒平均尺寸最小,900℃一次淬火组织中的细长马氏体板条转变为短粗状马氏体板条,试样硬度、强度最高。通过6000次三体冲击磨损试验,发现900℃一次淬火NM450钢的磨损表面为犁沟、微切削及疲劳损伤,880℃二次淬火NM450钢的磨损表面为鳞剥与疲劳损伤。二次淬火能有效提高NM450钢的耐磨性能,经880℃二次淬火的试样磨损量最小,耐磨性能最好。 The changing law for the mechanical properties,microstructure and wear resistance of NM450 wear-resistant steel with different secondary quenching temperatures of 860℃,880℃,900℃,920℃are studied by means of scanning electron microscopy(SEM),energy spectrum analysis and mechanical test.The result shows that the average grain size of the samples obtained by secondary quenching at 880℃is the smallest.The microstructure is transformed from slender martensite lath in primary quenching at 900℃to stubby martensite lath in secondary quenching,the sample has the highest hardness and the strength.After 6000 times of three-body impact wear test,it is found that the wear surface of NM450 steel with primary quenching at 900℃is furrow,micro-cutting and fatigue damage,the wear surface of NM450 steel with secondary quenching at 800℃is scale exfoliation and fatigue damage.Secondary quenching can effectively improve the wear resistance of NM450 steel.The sample after secondary quenching at 880℃has the least wear and the best wear resistance.
作者 陈世坤 吴翔 刘丽华 闫强军 姜在伟 姜金星 左秀荣 Chen Shikun;Wu Xiang;Liu Lihua;Yan Qiangjun;Jiang Zaiwei;Jiang Jinxing;Zuo Xiurong(Nanjing Iron and Steel Co.,Ltd.;School of Physics,Zhengzhou University)
出处 《宽厚板》 2023年第3期1-6,共6页 Wide and Heavy Plate
关键词 NM450耐磨钢 二次淬火 力学性能 耐磨性能 微观组织 NM450 wear-resistant steel Secondary quenching Mechanical properties Wear resistance Microstructure
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