

Le Roman de Renart as Secular Satire:The Beast Poetry of Renart and Ysengrimus(Part Two)
摘要 《列那狐传奇》是欧洲中世纪的一朵奇,开创了古法语诗歌的新文类。本文讨论它对世俗封建法律与男女性关系的讽刺特性,并依循诗人提示的方向,把列那先和埃尔森通奸然后强奸她的故事放在当代的世俗与宗教文学的语境里,考察他们的性关系及其法律后果。除了讽刺当时的宫廷时尚,诗人们重复叙述强奸案难以成立,以之讽刺当时受害者不能从封建法和教会法讨到公道。他们不只精确模仿,还歪曲嘲讽教会对性生活的管制来解由与日俱增的约束造成的心理压力,用诗歌逗引发笑来突破一切对想象力和乐趣的伽锁。 While Ysengrimus satirizes the Church,Le Roman de Renart shifts its focus onto the secular world,especially its sexuality and feudal law.Following the lead of two early prologues,this part examines the adultery and rape case involving Renart and Hersent within the literary contexts suggested by the poets,i.e.,the contemporary secular love literature and the staple of religious teachings.The poets satirize the courtly fashion and parody various literary genres by showing the ineffectiveness of both feudal and canon laws in rendering justice.They make audience laugh by releasing the psychological tension caused by the increasing encroachment of church regulations on their private lives and by breaking the imposed shackles on their pleasure and imagination.
作者 李耀宗 Yaochung LI
机构地区 不详
出处 《中世纪与文艺复兴研究》 2021年第1期144-178,共35页 Medieval and Renaissance Studies
关键词 《列那狐传奇》 中世纪讽刺诗歌 性与婚姻 中世纪爱情 封建法 教会法 补赎法令 Le Roman de Renart medieval satirical poetry sex and marriage medieval love feudal law canon law penitentials
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  • 1See David F. Huh, "Gaston Paris and the Invention of Courtly Love", in R. Howard Bloch and Stephen G. Nichols, eds. , Medievalism and the Modernist Temper, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1996, p. 202.
  • 2See Hans Ulrich Gumbreeht, " ' Une Souffle d' Allemagne ayant pass6' : Friedrieh Diez, Gaston Paris, and the Gene- sis of National Philolgies", in Romance Philology, 40 ( 1986), p. 23.
  • 3See Gaston Paris, "6tudes sur les romans de la table ronde", in Romanht, 10 ( 1881 ), pp. 465 -496.
  • 4"etudes sur les romans de la table ronde: Lancelot du Lac," in Romania, 12 (1883), pp. 459 -534.
  • 5Roger Boase, The Origin and Meaning of Courtly Love : A Critical Study of European Scholarship, Manchester: Manchester UP, 1977, pp. 129 -130.
  • 6See Betsy Bowden, "The Art of Courtly Copulation", in Medievalia et Humanistica, 9 ( 1979), p. 67 : "His treatise on ' courtly love' seems too serious to be funny, too funny to be moral, and at the end too moral to be serious. ".
  • 7See Huh, "Gaston Paris and the Invention of Courtly Love", p. 211.
  • 8R. Howard Bloch, " ' Mieux vaut jamais que tard' : Romance, Philology, and Old French Letters", in Representatiotu, 36 (1991), p. 77.
  • 9See Lewis Freeman Mott, The System of Courtly Love : Studied As an Introduction to the Vita Nuova of Dante, Boston [u. a. ] : The Athenaeum Press, 1896.
  • 10See Stephen G Nichols, "Modernism and the Politics of Medieval Studies", in Bloch and Nichols, Medievalism and the Modernist Temper, p. 26.








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