

Treating cough after infection with Xuanfei Qingtan Yin by famous TCM doctor YUAN Changjin
摘要 目的:随着国家对中医药事业的扶持力度不断增加,公众对于中医药的关注度正在日渐提升,中医药的疗效得到了多方认可。为了进一步发扬中医药文化,通过对全国名老中医袁长津教授诊治感染后咳嗽的临证思路进行分析,为中医药治疗感染后咳嗽提供名家经验,以此扩大中医药优势疾病谱,使中医药能更好地服务临床,疗效就是生命力,希望袁老的经验能帮助到更多饱受疾病困扰的患者。方法:根据平日跟诊时袁老对宣肺清痰饮治疗感染后咳嗽的讲解,结合袁老实际临床医案,系统总结袁老经验,通过运用理论与实践相结合的办法,使结论更具说服力。结果:袁老多将感染后咳嗽辨为痰热壅肺证,治疗上主以清热化痰,宣肺止咳,宣肺清痰饮为袁老最常用的方剂,本方的主症为咳嗽,咳黄痰,口干口苦,舌红苔黄,脉滑数等。结论:感染后咳嗽往往病程较长,病情复杂,袁老认为痰热壅肺证为该病常见证型,故主要从痰热入手,主张清化痰热的同时兼以宣肺,使邪气得除,肺气得利,咳嗽自愈,临证之时习用宣肺清痰饮,但袁老也指出,宣肺清痰饮适合痰热较甚的患者,对于咳嗽日久,干咳为主的患者,则并不适合,实际运用时还需辨病论治与辨证论治相结合,方可取得满意疗效。 Objective:With the increasing support of the state for the cause of traditional Chinese medicine,the public’s attention to TCM is increasing day by day,and the curative effect of TCM has been recognized by many parties.In order to further develop the TCM culture,the author analyzes the clinical thinking of Professor YUAN Changjin,a famous TCM doctor,to provide famous experience for treating cough after infection,so as to expand the spectrum of dominant diseases of TCM,and make TCM better serve the clinic,and the curative effect is significant.It is hoped that Master YUAN’s experience can help more patients suffering from diseases.Methods:According to Master YUAN’s explanation of Xuanfei Qingtan Yin(宣肺清痰饮)in the treatment of cough after infection in daily followed-up,combined with Master YUAN’s actual clinical cases,systematically summarizes Master YUAN’s experience and makes the conclusion more convincing by combining theory with practice.Results:Master YUAN identifies cough after infection as phlegm-heat obstructing lung syndrome,and his most commonly used prescription is Xuanfei Qingtan Yin,which is for dispersing lung and relieving cough,dispersing lung and clearing phlegm.The main symptoms of this prescription include cough,cough with yellow phlegm,dry mouth and bitter taste,red tongue and yellow tongue coating,slippery pulse,etc.Conclusion:Cough after infection often has a long course and complicated condition.Master YUAN holds that phlegm-heat obstructing the lung is a common syndrome type of the disease,so he mainly starts with phlegm-heat,and advocates clearing phlegm-heat and simultaneously dispersing lung-heat,so as to eliminate pathogens,the cough will be cured after dispersing lung-Qi(气).Master YUAN also points out that Xuanfei Qingtan Yin is suitable for patients with severe phlegm-heat.For those who cough for a long time,and suffer from dry cough,Xuanfei Qingtan Yin is not suitable.In practice,it is necessary to combine disease differentiation with syndrome differentiation to obtain satisfactory curative effects.
作者 滕振华 华光 彭素娟 TENG Zhenhua;HUA Guang;PENG Sujun
出处 《中医临床研究》 2023年第12期53-55,共3页 Clinical Journal Of Chinese Medicine
基金 湖南省中医药科研计划项目一般课题(D2022028)。
关键词 感染后咳嗽 宣肺清痰饮 痰热壅肺证 Cough after infection Xuanfei Qingtan Yin Phlegm heat obstructing lung syndrome
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