

Effects of N,P and K fertilizer on Moringa Seedlings and the Recommended Fertilizer Application
摘要 为探究氮磷钾肥对辣木幼苗生长的影响,采用“3414”不完全回归施肥试验设计,测定不同处理组合下辣木幼苗的农艺性状及生物量等指标,同时对辣木幼苗的总生物量进行方程拟合,以期筛选出最大总生物量的氮、磷、钾推荐施肥量。结果表明:辣木幼苗地径、株高、壮苗指数、根干重、茎干重、叶干重、总生物量,施用氮肥的较不施肥增加475.67%、406.04%、84.70%、757.15%、7991.07%、17792.20%、2281.61%;施用磷肥的较不施肥增加29.11%、49.37%、100.15%、105.38%、141.89%、44.89%、96.48%;施用钾肥的,地径、株高、壮苗指数、根干重、茎干重较不施肥减少15.89%、15.86%、25.14%、30.53%、25.47%,叶干重、总生物量较不施肥增加4.18%、1.52%。氮磷钾之间存在不同程度的交互作用,对辣木壮苗指数的影响表现为P_(2)O_(5)>N>K_(2)O,对地径、株高、根干重、茎干重、叶干重、总生物量6个指标的影响表现为N>P_(2)O_(5)>K_(2)O,总体上,氮素对辣木幼苗农艺性状和生物量的影响最大,是影响辣木幼苗生长的首要因素。对辣木幼苗总生物量分别进行三元二次、二元二次、一元二次模型拟合,发现辣木幼苗的纯氮、纯磷、纯钾的推荐施肥量分别为6.43、3.10、0 g/株,适宜的比例为N∶P∶K=1∶0.48∶0。 To explore the effects of Nitrogen(N),phosphorus(P),and potassium(K)on the growth of Moringa seedlings.The effects of N,P and K combinations on the agronomic traits and biomass of Moringa seedlings were studied by using"3414"incomplete regression fertilization experiment design.At the same time,the equation fitting of total biomass of Moringa seedlings was carried out to obtain the maximum total biomass of Moringa seedlings N,P and K recommended fertilizer amount.The results showed that the indices of ground diameter,plant height,strong seedling index,root dry weight,stem dry weight,leaf dry weight and total biomass of Moringa seedlings increased by 475.67%,406.04%,84.70%,757.15%,7991.07%,17792.20%and 2281.61%with nitrogen fertilizer compared with without fertilizer.Applying phosphorus fertilizer increased 29.11%,49.37%,100.15%,105.38%,141.89%,44.89%,96.48%compared with no fertilization.Ground diameter,plant height,seedling strength index,root dry weight and stem dry weight decreased by 15.89%,15.86%,25.14%,30.53%and 25.47%compared with no fertilizer application.Leaf dry weight and total biomass increased by 4.18%and 1.52%compared with no fertilizer application.The three factors of nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium had different degrees of interaction.The effect of nitrogen on the strong seedling index was P_(2)O_(5)>N>K_(2)O,and the effect of ground diameter,plant height,root dry weight,stem dry weight,leaf dry weight and total biomass was N>P_(2)O_(5)>K_(2)O.In general,nitrogen had the greatest effect on agronomic traits and biomass of Moringa seedlings.It is the primary factor af-fecting the growth of Moringa seedlings.The results showed that the recommended fertilizer application rates of pure nitrogen,pure phosphorus and pure potassium for Moringa seedlings were 6.43 g/plant,3.10g/plant and 0g/plant,respectively,and the appropriate ratio was N∶P∶K=1∶0.48∶0.
作者 任保兰 赵春攀 杨朴丽 吕亚 段波 张祖兵 REN Baolan;ZHAO Chunpan;YANG Puli;LYU Ya;DUAN Bo;ZHANG Zubing(Yunnan Institute of Tropical Crops,Jinghong 666100,China)
出处 《热带农业科技》 2023年第3期30-36,53,共8页 Tropical Agricultural Science & Technology
基金 国家现代农业产业技术体系(CARS-11-YNZZB) 云南省高层次科技人才及创新团队选拔专项(202205AD160032) 云南省热带作物科学研究所青年人才成长基金项目(QNCZ2020-6)。
关键词 辣木 肥料效应 生物量 “3414”肥料试验 施肥推荐 Moringa oleifera fertilizer effect biomass "3414"fertilizer test fertilizer recommendationc
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