

The Jurisprudence Interpretation and Legal Structure of the Standard Essential Patent Anti-suit Injunction
摘要 标准必要专利禁诉令因间接影响他国司法管辖主权而遭受合法性质疑。从内部构造来看,标准必要专利禁诉令包含了双方当事人、法院与外国当事人以及两国法院三重法律关系,可分别从专利权物上请求权、涉外司法管辖权和不干涉主权原则的例外等三个层面进行规范证成。在法律属性上,标准必要专利禁诉令兼具实体法与程序法、公法与私法多重品格,应被定位为快速排除平行诉讼违法妨害的临时预防性责任机制,因其具有独立程序属性,应被纳入我国知识产权基本法。在体系化构造上,标准必要专利禁诉令应坚持公平正义和谦抑适用的司法原则,按照法律关系层级展开具体适用,并以国际礼让原则作为反思和制约性条件。为平衡程序正义和效率价值,标准必要专利禁诉令应坚持准诉讼程序的基本模式,并注重与国际条约的程序衔接。 The anti-suit injunctions of standard-essential patent have been challenged because of their indirect impact on the jurisdictional sovereignty of other countries.From the perspective of internal structure,the anti-suit injunction of standard essential patents includes the three legal relationships between the parties,the court and the foreign party,and the courts of the two countries.And so on three levels to standardize.In terms of legal attributes,anti-suit injunctions for SEPs have multiple characteristics of substantive law and procedural law,public law and private law,and should be positioned as a temporary preventive liability mechanism that quickly eliminates the harm of parallel litigation.Because of its independent procedural nature,it should be incorporated into my country's Basic Law of Intellectual Property.In terms of systematic structure,anti-suit injunctions for SEPs should adhere to the judicial principles of fairness,justice and modest application,and should be specifically applied according to the level of legal relations,and the principle of international comity should be used as a reflection and restrictive condition.In order to balance the value of procedural justice and efficiency,SEP anti-suit injunctions should adhere to the basic model of quasi-litigation proceedings and focus on the procedural connection with existing international treaties.
作者 杨依楠 Yang Yinan
出处 《电子知识产权》 2023年第5期46-59,共14页 Electronics Intellectual Property
基金 2021年度国家社科基金重大项目“总体国家安全观下产业知识产权风险治理现代化研究”(项目批准号:21&ZD203)的阶段性成果。
关键词 标准必要专利禁诉令 合法性 排除妨害 独立程序 国际礼让 Anti-suit Injunction of Standard-essential Patent Legality Remove the Nuisance Special Procedures International Comity
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