

Analysis and Discussion of Guideline for Preparing Cost-Effectiveness Evaluation to the Central Social Insurance Medical Council(2022 Edition)
摘要 目的:梳理日本2022版医保经济性评价指南的相关内容,汲取其中值得我国借鉴的经验,并提出完善建议。方法:采用比较研究法,对比分析我国现行指南和日本经济性评价指南的差异。结果:日本医保经济性评价指南(2022版)部分内容值得我国当前医保评价工作参考。结论:医药经济性评价指南对我国医保事业发展具有重要意义,建议有关部门出台相应指南用于医保评价工作,建立一体化程度更高、协调性更优、专业性更强、更加符合我国国情的中国特色医保评价体系。 The paper analyzes the contents of Cost-Effectiveness Evaluation to the Central Social Insurance Medical Council(2022 Edition),draws lessons from it and puts forward proposals.Method:A comparative study was used to analyze the differences between the current guidelines in China and the economic evaluation guidelines in Japan.Result:Some contents of the Cost-Effectiveness Evaluation to the Central Social Insurance Medical Council(2022 Edition)are worth considering during the current medical insurance evaluation in China.Conclusion:Medical economic evaluation guidelines are of great significance to the development of China's medical insurance industry.It is suggested that relevant departments issue guidelines for the evaluation of medical insurance,and establish a Chinese characteristic medical insurance evaluation system with higher integration,better coordination,stronger professionalism,and better meeting the actual conditions of China.
出处 《中国医疗保险》 2023年第6期121-126,共6页 China Health Insurance
关键词 日本 医保 经济性评价 指南 建议 Japan health insurance economic evaluation guide suggestions
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