

Analysis on correlation between personality traits and coping styles of navy soldiers on Gulf of Aden escort
摘要 目的探讨某批亚丁湾护航舰艇官兵的人格特征和应对方式的相关性。方法2021年6月采用艾森克人格问卷简式量表中国版(Eysenck personality questionnaire-r short scale Chinese,EPQ-RSC)和应对方式评定量表(coping style questionnaire,CSQ)对刚参加完某批亚丁湾护航任务的某驱逐舰上的157名舰艇官兵进行问卷调查,并对数据进行分析。结果应对方式各因子中,舰艇官兵解决问题和求助得分显著高于中国军人常模,自责、幻想、退避和合理化因子得分显著低于中国军人常模(均P<0.01)。人格特征中神经质维度与应对方式各维度得分两两显著相关,外-内倾维度与应对方式中解决问题、求助、自责维度得分两两相关,精神质维度与应对方式中解决问题、求助维度得分两两显著相关,掩饰维度与应对方式中自责、幻想、退避、合理化维度得分两两相关(均P<0.05)。回归分析结果显示,舰艇官兵人格特征是其应对方式的重要影响因素。官兵精神质水平正向显著预测合理化应对(β=18.050,P<0.01),外-内倾水平正向预测解决问题应对(β=3.680,P<0.01)和求助应对(β=1.740,P<0.05),而神经质水平正向显著预测自责应对(β=5.480,P<0.01)。结论护航舰艇官兵人格特征和应对方式呈显著相关,其中外倾人格官兵易于选择成熟型应对方式,精神质人格官兵更倾向于选择混合型应对方式,神经质人格官兵易于非成熟型应对方式。 Objective To explore the correlation between personality traits and coping styles of navy soldiers onescort at the Gulf of Aden.Methods In June 2021,the Eysenck personality questionnaire-r short scale Chinese(EPQ-RSC)and the coping style questionnaire(CSQ)were used to perform a questionnaire survey on 157 navy soldiers from a troop,who had just participated in the Gulf of Aden escort.And the data were analyzed.Results Among the factors of coping style,the scores of problem solving and seekinghelp were significantly higher than the Chinese military norms(both P<0.01),while the scores of self-accusation,fantasy,avoidance and rationalization were significantly lower than Chinese military norms(all P<0.01).The neurotic dimension of personality traits was significantly correlated with the scores of dimensions of coping styles,the extroversion-introversion dimension was significantly correlated with the scores of the problem solving,seeking help and self-blame dimensions of coping styles,the psychic dimension was significantly correlated with the the scores of problem solving,seeking help dimensions of coping styles,and the lying dimension was significantly correlated with the scores of self-blame,fantasy,withdrawal and rationalization dimensions of coping styles(all P<0.05).The regression analysis results showed that the personality traits of navy soldiers werethe important factor affecting their coping style.The psychoticism level of navy soldiers significantly positively predicted rationalized coping(β=18.050,P<0.01),extroversion-introversion level positively predicted problem solving coping(β=3.680,P<0.01)and seeking help coping(β=1.740,P<0.05),and neuroticism level significantly positively predicted self-blame coping(β-5.480,P<0.01).Conclusion The personality traits and coping styles are highly correlated among the navy soldiers on the escort,those with higherextraversion levels are more likely to choose mature coping styles,those with higher psychoticism levels tend to choose mixed coping style,and those with higher neuroticism levels are prone to respond immaturely.
作者 田宜禾 吴菁 张蕾 杨婕 燕宏丽 储静 TIAN Yi-he;WU Jing;ZHANG Lei;YANG Jie;YAN Hong-li;CHU Jing(Humanities Nursing Teaching and Research Section,Department of Nursing,Naval Medical University,Shanghai,200433,China;First Surgery Department,Marine Police Corps Hospital,Chinese People's Armed Police Force,Jiaxing Zhejiang,314001,China)
出处 《职业与健康》 CAS 2023年第11期1479-1483,1490,共6页 Occupation and Health
基金 军委后勤保障部卫勤保障能力创新与生成专项重大课题(20WQ010) 军委后勤保障部卫生局保健课题面上项目(22BJZ09)。
关键词 舰艇官兵 长远航 人格特征 应对方式 Naval soldiers Long voyage Personality traits Coping styles
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