

The Historical Logic,Regulation and Enlightenment of the Evolution of the“Constitution of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions”
摘要 《中国工会章程》是工会组织的规章性文件,是处理工会内部事务的基本准则。其自第二次全国劳动大会上诞生至中国工会第十七次全国代表大会,共经历了十二次修改。《中国工会章程》的修改演变具有较强的规律性,即党的中心任务的变化是其修改的根本遵循,工会工作指导思想的发展为其修改作了理论准备,现实性与前瞻性的统一是其修改的基本准则,实事求是、科学发展是其修改的价值取向。这一演变带给我们的启示是,要坚定自觉接受党的领导的政治信念,坚守团结全国工人、图谋工人福利的初心,加强制度意识与制度文化的培育,明确“变”与“不变”的重要意义。 The“Constitution of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions”is the rules and regulations of trade union organizations and the basic guidelines for handling the internal affairs of trade unions.It has undergone a total of twelve revisions,from its birth at the Second National Labor Conference to the Seventeenth National Congress of Chinese Trade Unions.The revision and evolution of the“Constitution of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions”has a strong regularity:that is,the change of the party's central task is the fundamental follow of the revision;the development of the guiding ideology of trade union work has made theoretical preparations for the revision;the unity of reality and forward-looking is the basic criterion for revision;seeking truth from facts and scientifi c development are the value orientation of its revision.The enlightenment brought by this evolution is:to firmly and consciously accept the political belief of the party's leadership,to adhere to the original intention of uniting workers across the country and seeking workers'welfare;to strengthen the cultivation of system awareness and system culture;to clarify the signifi cance of“changed”and“unchanged”information.
作者 李军 Li Jun(Shanghai Vocational College of Trade Union,Shanghai 200082)
出处 《天津市工会管理干部学院学报》 2023年第2期49-57,共9页 Journal of Tianjin Trade Union Administrators’ College
基金 上海工会管理职业学院课题“1949-2019年中国工会章程演变研究”(项目编号:ghyjyb201906)的研究成果。
关键词 中国工会章程 历史逻辑 规律 启示 Constitution of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions Historical Logic Regulation Enlightenment








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