

A Preliminary Report on the Investigation of Forest Germplasm Resources of State-owned Forest Farms in Longjiang County
摘要 【目的】龙江县为黑龙江省内第一批林木种质资源调查试点之一,通过对龙江县国有林场的木本植物种质资源进行调查,进一步了解种质资源状况,特别是可开发利用的优良林分、珍稀种质资源的品种、数量等情况,针对不同资源提出相应的管理、保护措施,减少物种多样性和遗传多样性的流失。【方法】采用踏查、线路调查和样方调查方法对龙江县国有林场林木种质资源进行调查。【结果】发现现有林木植物29科55属123种,裸子植物3科5属18种,被子植物26科50属105种。对野生资源进行区系分析,表明世界广布类型有8科17属19种、泛热带分布1科1属1种、热带亚洲至热带非洲分布1科1属1种,北温带分布4科9属13种。栽培树种为18科25属53种,占林木种质资源调查树种的41.09%。国家II类重点保护野生植物有水曲柳、红松、长白松、钻天柳、黄檗5种,占全部林木种质资源调查树木种类的3.88%。龙江县古树有榆、旱柳2种,占全部林木种质资源调查树木种类的1.55%。通过设置标准地对优良林分进行调查,发现国有林场优良林分来源以人工林为主,资源分布不均且相对较少,部分林分林龄过大。采用三株大树法共选择树木优良单株64株,其中小黑杨优良单株21株、兴安落叶松优良单株24株,长白落叶松优良单株11株,蒙古栎优良单株8株。【结论】按照主要用途和目标价值将林木种子植物资源进行分类、研究。根据资源现状和保存利用情况,提出了进一步挖掘、利用具有经济价值且尚未人工开发利用的林木种质资源的建议措施,为建立林木种质资源信息管理系统提供基础数据,为制定种质资源长期保护与发展利用奠定良好基础。 【Objective】Longjiang county is one of the first pilot surveys of forest germplasm resources in Heilongjiang province.Through the investigation of woody plant germplasm resources in state-owned forest farms in Longjiang county,the status of germplasm resources was further understood.In particular,the varieties and quantities of excellent forest stands and rare germplasm resources that can be developed and utilized,corresponding management and protection measures are proposed for different resources to reduce the loss of species diversity and genetic diversity.【Method】The forest germplasm resources of state-owned forest farms in Longjiang county were investigated by the methods of foot inspection,line survey and sample survey.【Result】The inventory found 123 species 55 genera and 29 families of seed plants,including 18 species,5 genera and 3 families of gymnosperms and 105 species 50 genera and 26 families of angiosperms.The floristic analysis of the wild resources showed that the world wide spread type has 19 species 17 genera and 8 families,1 species 1 genera and 1 families of the pantropic and 1 species 1 genera and 1 families of the trop Asia to trop Africa,13 species,9 genera,4 families,distributed in north temperate zone.The cultivated tree species were 53 species in 18 families,25 genera,accounting for 41.09% of the tree species in the forest germplasm resources survey.There were 5 species of wild plants under national class Ⅱ key protection:Fraxinus mandshurica,Pinus koraiensis,Pinus sylvestris var.sylvestriformis,Salix arbutifolia and Phellodendron amurense,accounting for 3.88% of all tree species surveyed for forest germplasm resources.There were two kinds of ancient trees in Longjiang county,Ulmus pumila and Salix matsudana,accounting for 1.55%of the total tree species surveyed for germplasm resources.Through the investigation of excellent forest stands by setting standards,it is found that the sources of excellent forest stands in state-owned forest farms are mainly planted forests,the distribution of resources is uneven and relatively small,and some forest stands are too old.A total of 64 excellent single trees were selected by the three-tree method,including 21 excellent single plants of Populus xiaohei,24 excellent single plants of Larix gmelinii,11 excellent single plants of Larix olgensis,and 8 excellent single plants of Quercus mongolica.【Conclusion】Forest seed plant resources are classified and studied according to their main uses and target values.According to the status quo of resources and the situation of conservation and utilization,suggestions and measures were put forward to further excavate and utilize forest germplasm resources with economic value that have not yet been artificially developed and utilized,so as to provide basic data for the establishment of forest germplasm resources information management system and lay a good foundation for the long-term protection,development and utilization of germplasm resources.
作者 王正美 李富春 王思奇 王超 程瑜 周佳奇 贯春雨 WANG Zheng-mei;LI Fu-chun;WANG Si-qi;WANG Chao;CHENG Yu;ZHOU Jia-qi;GUAN Chun-yu(Qiqihar University,Heilongjiang,Qiqihar 161005)
机构地区 齐齐哈尔大学
出处 《温带林业研究》 2023年第2期49-55,共7页 Journal of Temperate Forestry Research
基金 齐齐哈尔大学大学生创新创业训练计划资助项目(S202210232094)。
关键词 林木种质资源 调查 保护利用 龙江县 forest germplasm resources investigation protection and utilization Longjiang County
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